
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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How much do you charge? What if I'm as cute as xuan? Hehehe😅

Whether I charge or not is not dependent on how cute you are.

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How did you know about Tempur? I've only the pillow as a suggestion from a friend. And I'm fully satisfied.

I knew about it many years ago from a Reddit thread. It's really qualify.
My bed was uncomfortable at the start but after that if confirmed to my body shape, and all is good.

I've recently been hooked onto smoking.Not like a very serious one,1 pack lasts me bout a week.I still feel slightly giddy after I smoke n I dont really like that feeling but it just feels weirdly good how I can ignore the things around me just for a lil while.I wanna kick this addiction but idk how

Notice you smoke as a way to distract yourself from something, giving you a moment to rest and take a break. You don't need smoking for that. You just need to take a breather every now and then.
Know the source of your problem.
Don't buy anymore cigarettes.

Do you charge me if I want a photoshoot done like xuan's?

I approached Xuan, not the other way round. So he's the one doing me a favour.

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Everybody is too bothered with their own insecurities to bother about yours.
Liked by: Sunny Low

Tempur is a great choice! Very costly though.

Mine wasn't very expensive. It's not cheap, of curse, but affordable. Total I spent was about $2.5k.
Not even the price of two iPads. And can barely buy you an iMac.
Liked by: Darren65

Expensive mattress. ....but then it's a good investment.

Someone online gave this very wise advice.
The three things that you shouldn't feel guilty spending on is: a mattress, comfortable shoes, and comfortable underwear.
You spend so much time in all of them. It is wise to invest in quality.

amos yee just sent 3 of my high profile gay friends a friend request.... and i read before that he actually participates in gay sg confessions discussions so.. wts.


Sorry for asking this. But why are you so concerned about Amos Yee? *based on your post in FB*

It's an interesting current event.

hey is it the same as his ig name? i just did and there is nothing!

Go send him a DM on Instagram.

Have you been to lombok?

No, but one of my friend has been pestering me to head there and trek up the volcanoes. I really need to go there, having seen this side of Bali. Just off to the east here there's a huge volcano looming over the horizon too. Indonesia is amazing.

hahaha!..at first i thought you were staying over at your friend's place and her name is Jenny....I freaking cannot believe it...its so affordable.....for the views of the area.....

I don't know how much it is! All these are paid for. I figured it'll be quite an okay price. It's a really nice place. This island reminds me a lot like the western end of Bali. Really good views. Very few tourists. Nothing much to do but soak in nature.

You look a lot better now than you did in 2011! What a difference 4 years makes!

I'm much happier now, maybe.

You had bad acne in the vid tho, what happen?

I was young! I remember at that period I was over at a friend's house for almost two weeks straight editing a film we shot. There was barely any sleep, and my diet was all over the place. Breakouts were severe. Even right after that Pinkdot shoot I had to rush back to finish the film.
Well worth it. The film received two Crowbar awards.


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