
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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Like i want to chat with you personally and go out a date with you.

... This is the sort of question that makes it awkward for everyone.
I don't know what to reply.
Liked by: Thura

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Feel so gaowei whenever you act like a Chinese. Do you dislike being your race that much?

I knew this was going to appear sooner or later.
Do you not understand I'm doing this on purpose to annoy people like you off. Subtle lampooning. It's a type of humor. Look it up. All those Chinese characters don't even make any sense.
Oh, wait, this isn't about Instagram, isn't it? Is it because I do not speak like the typical Malay you made up in your head? Or that I occasionally use Mandarin words? Or that old stick of I have 'too many Chinese friends'? You wanna start talking about 3rd generation Asian Americans and how 'fake' they are cause they can't relate to their ancestral culture?
Jesus. I'm Malay. I don't hide it. I like myself. You're the one with the expectation problem.

What are your thoughts on using emoji for business related emails? Does it make the whole thing unprofessional?

I think the occasional or rare emoji is fine. You know, lighten up a bit. If it's obnoxious, though, then we've got a problem.
Liked by: Thura

How do you learnt to love yourself? I mean this question is not directed at you personally, more of generally.

I'm speaking from my own experience. I tend to see myself from a third person, and people tend to know me as rather critical on others. I'm even more so on myself. When I see myself fuck up, I go into that third person more and jump hard on myself. I scold myself - Why are you so fucking stupid? Where's your fucking standard? You're absolutely bloody useless!
I've pushed myself over the edge a few times. Always hard on myself. I justified it by believing it was tough love. Only recently did I realize by doing this to myself, it was having repercussions with how I loved those close to me. I treated them the same way.
A young boy, whom I had to call off from dating because I thought I wasn't good enough, told me "You need to learn to love yourself." That struck me.
You simply have to open yourself to who you are. Accept that you have flaws and also talents. That sometimes you will fuck up, but it's okay. Set achievable realistic goals for yourself. I observed all this of myself in third person. I treated 'him' like a loving father to a child. As a father, you nurture. Your kid falls, you be there for him. He screws up, you let him learn his lesson, but you still open your arms for him.
I find after you've learned to respect and love yourself, it becomes easier to accept another... a loved one.
Well, my opinion, anyway.

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If you can return back to the past, which day would you want to return back? And why?

3rd July 2009.
I'll call him in the morning.

How it feels like to be 27?

Feels great. My body is still young, I'm still learning, I'm healthy despite the vices I partake in, yet I'm experienced enough in both life and career to make bigger decisions. Can't wait for my thirties sometimes.

So many haters out there. Stay gold Audi...

One thing about haters is they never follow up. Come in, shit all over your doorstep and leave. Kinda like children.

Where are you working now? What are you currently doing at this point in your life?

I'm working in a photo studio. We shoot commercial, lifestyle, corporate, interior and food. Day in, day out, 5-6 days a week. Really stable work and I'm at that level where I'm comfortable but not complacent.
I'm also still with Play, so when a party comes up I'm involved in it too.

Alright, thanks for the reply. I was kinda worried about the 'doing well in the business of film' and I was actually right about it. However, I've already chosen film courses as the first few choices in my application, so I'm guessing that it'll be too late to retreat haha. Nevertheless, thank you.

Hahaha. Well whatever it is, this is just an opinion from one person. If you do get in, make the best out of it. Take advantage of what you have. Anything is possible.

Is it risky for a student to take up a film course in Singapore? What are the future options available like?

I used to say just go for it. Now, I'm not so sure. 8 years on set and observing others, I really would say it's not worth the money.
Anything you ever wanted to learn on production can be learned online. Whether it's the language of cinematography, directing, writing films or even how to use a camera. Like I said the only good thing about film school are the free equipment rentals and possibility to make good network.
It makes more sense, to me, to enroll in business and marketing and then take up a supplementary course in filmmaking. One of the problems I see that happens all the time in the film industry are young kids going out there who can be incredibly talented but have zero idea how to make money out of it. I had the same curse; I didn't know how to make money, charge clients, deal business.
Your craft is but one small part in surviving. Your business sense and general personability is another. I would argue that is more important. The idealistic notion that one day someone would recognize you for your talent should be done away with.
The film industry right now is crap, bluntly speaking. Budgets are getting smaller. Crews are constantly overworked. You need to join the correct clique to get regular income. And one thing government organizations don't quite understand, is that they look at films and think 'How can this make us money?' rather than see the artistic merit, or cultural value of a script.
Nevertheless, I'm assuming you're young. You could simply get a job on set as a production assistant and learn the ropes of film production there. You will learn more in one day on set than a year in film school watching films and writing papers.

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