
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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Woukd you have any questions for the reseachers before you read the work? Would you find it if you were described as high profile according their model?

Yes. "What else would you like to know?"
As got high profile, it is what it is.
Liked by: #Ghoul .... !

How important are photos and written tweets, journal entries,etc for helping maintain your personal memories? How often do you 'look backwards' using these tools to help you remember?

I actually don't look back at my writings most of the time. Once it's out I let it go.

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(Contd) collected, analysed and discussed regularly between 2009-2014. The published work would have none of your primary and personal details revealed as it was constructed as a blinded subject study but discuss the themes. Would you read the study or ask the researchers not to release the work ?

I think information and knowledge should always be shared. I would love to read the research.

How would you react if you discovered that one professor and two graduate students were finishing a long term study on the phenomena of personal social media brands and the negotiation of personal narratives in online spaces of South East Asian youth, and your online activities have been actively...


Why do may you need to redact your beautiful answer about The old and new play ? Worried your boss will read it and ask you to take it down ?

I speak on a personal capacity but all these years I've learned people like to twist and turn your words. I'm answering only to the benefit of the asker.

Sorry Audi - looks like some haters have found your ask.fm. The recent stuff about Secret and that question basically calling you Uncle was really low brow. Stay strong we support you. -follower Xyz (I am a lurker rarely sending you questions but wanted you not to be discouraged).

I am not tracking any Secret posts about so don't worry. I was only alerted cause a user sent me a screenshot of it on Ask.fm.
People can say a lot of shit about you. You can't control that. So why worry?

I guess my question about Play's transformation was more on the cultural feel of everything... Is it really still there or has it transformed ? It is not so much if money can be made or if there is appeal for 'The New Play'. Appreciate your thoughts as an insider.

Hmm I'll try to answer the best I can.
When Play closed I had personal concerns on where all these young boys were gonna go to. Play, i find, to be the most neutral place for first timers to go to. They concentrated on entertainment, not sex selling.
When it closed the social shuffle was obvious both from the nearby bars and patrons. Everybody wanted to clinch on some sort of social status.
In hindsight I think it was good Play closed. It was a good reset button. The culture is very different now. The boys have moved on to form their own new culture not based on the 'old ways'. It was about having fun and mingling with friends.
I think clubs have less say now with what gay culture is, which I find it a good thing too. I mean it's a reflection of society now. Used to be clubs would dictate what being gay was about. We don't need that anymore. So whatever Play's culture is, we work with what our boys want, and I personally listen to all their concerns.
I think the Play team knows when to call it quits, and we'd rather leave at a high point than fade into dispopularity.
I might delete this answer soon.

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You miss 'him' so much? You have had a 'him'?

I have loved many people, some very deeply, but I rarely ever go to the point of 'sealing the deal'.
I never thought I'm a worthy addition to their lives. They will never be happy with me. Not at this point of time.

What do you say to the folks who believe that paying for fortune telling us a waste of money ? personally, do you feel the financial cost had been worth it to you ? (ie : some go just coz it is cultural on death anniversaries but inside feel it is not worth the money but do it to keep family quiet)

It doesn't incur a significant cost to my finances so it doesn't bother me.
The people I go to are less fortune tellers and more people who can impart advice, and another perspective on things too.
Think of it as you're paying a meal for a chat.

Do you think the business model of 'Play: The Roving Party' is enough to really keep the brand and Play Club culture alive, if no new club is opened by the end of 2015? Has the 'Old feeling' begun to die ?

I think we're doing well. Play has a strong identity and we've moved past the 'Remember what Play was?' phase.
Our roving parties have been immensely successful and the younger boys look forward to our parties... even those who have never entered Play at Tanjong Pagar.
Liked by: Thura

Are you in a romantic relationship with Casper Chew? And have you consummated the relationship with him?

Casper is attached. I have no reason to pursue a relationship with him. As long as he is happy, I'm okay.

How often do you go to fortune tellers? Is there any strange consistency to their predictions ?

Twice a year. I've gone for Chinese readings and tarot readings. They've been consistent in many personal aspects of my life be it character or social matters.
However what I've learned about this is that you always have control. Your actions make or break you.
You always have a choice.

Any New Year's resolution(s) that you refuse to make this year because you have consistently failed at making this change in the past ? What is on the list?

I am actually not the kind that makes New Years resolutions. I don't believe in that. Change is an ongoing process. You shouldn't wait for magical dates to make a change, be it lifestyle or goals.

Do you find it disturbing that the mean age of your friends has remained 17-22 for the last 9 years ? Do you fell stuck in a social time warp where your prime is ending ?

My friends range from the age of 17-60.
Do not judge my social interaction by what you see on social media. There are many things it seems I am open with, but there are also many things I do not say or show to the public.

Are you trolling when you confessed to seeing Jaden naked ? If not, from an Internet safety perspective are you no worried about the negative attention he will get from that (ie: does not sound like you are a real friend)

I think it was very obvious I was being cheeky from the follow up question.
If people can't get subtlety it isn't my prerogative.

Would you rather be 'relevant on Secret' instead of fading in your notoriety?

This is irrelevant to all aspects of all my life so I will not give it any thought.
My tweet was a sarcastic remark.

Is Play looking for a new place to stay?

That is still on the cards, and we've viewed a lot of places, and been offered plenty. However we haven't been perfectly sold on any.
On my own personally capacity, I feel that it isn't a good time to open a club at this point of time. There are certain concerns beyond our control.

Wasn't Play shut down?

We closed our own clubspace in Feb 2014 at Tanjong Pagar. Ever since then we've been a roving party, organized by four key members. In 2014 we held a total of four roving parties.

Nooooooooo fml. I recovered from my hangover already. I am ready for the next one tomorrow

HAHAHA. You'll know when we've got the next one up.


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