
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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All the fun I had was temporary. And at the same time, they're several really good boyfriend material kinda guys but I don't know if it was time to settle down. I gave the excuse that I wasn't ready and I wanna explore more into the circle. BUT STILL I DON'T REALLY HAVE A CLEAR MINDSET OF WHAT I WAN

Sit back and reflect what you want to be in life. That would be my advice. I can't really say do A, B or C, cause I also believe everybody has their own path and they need experience to build character.
Remember of course as you pave your way across this world, have a kind heart.

how to get into the gay circle when i have no gay friends?!?!?!??!?!

The obvious answer would be heading down to Tanjong Pagar on weekends, as much as I also disagree with it. The place tends to consume easily impressionable individuals.
If you do, find good people. Stick with them.
There are a few focus groups that gather every now and then such as the Gay SG Confessions meet up. That could be a better start.
Liked by: Ziwei Shermy

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I messed around with the guys of this circle because there's this sense of acceptance I get, happiness from the process tho it hurts to bottom and eventually, the curiousity I have as an adolescence. But still until now, I don't really know what I look for in this circle as a 17yo boy.

I hate to say you're still young, cause maturity is not even across all aspects.
You would know best about what you want. Focus on building character, focus on your future. Hopefully everything else will fall into place. Reflect a lot.

I've always envied people that have came out already, even of the same age (eg Jaden). I don't know when is the right time for me to come out.. I always wondered what would happen if I did.. Would my parents disown me? Kick me out of the house or be like how many illustrated,supportive&loving parent

We all live different lives, dealt with different cards. I would refrain from saying when exactly is a good time to come out of the closet. A lot of factors come into play that only you would know best.
I would advice though to make sure you have a back up plan for the worst such as a place to stay in case there ever is the chance for you to be kicked. I had this plan in check just case before I went openly gay online.
It's good to prep... some people are forced out of the closet. Example being parents snooping around or colleagues digging out info. It's not difficult to suspect who might be gay these days.
Think very hard before you come out to your parents, regardless. For many, the day will one day come. Mothers know.
Liked by: Jaden

What do you guys think of the gay guys in sg ?

I wouldn't be able to give a fair answer to this as most of my experience comes from the clubbing community. Gay men of Singapore are about as diverse as the Singaporean population, and it'll be unwise to dump them all into one basket.
If you're looking for my opinion on the popular gay culture here, maybe I could be more focused with an answer.

Hi Audi, sorry this is not a question. Just wanted to tell you that you're amazing. I love reading your tweets and instagram posts and I feel your exasperation everytime you talk about your family. Stay strong, and sending you all my love! :) P.S. I'm a girl (no homo) LOL

Hey thank you for the compliments. :)
I didn't realize that it was that easy to hear my tone over text! My family and I are better now. Between them and I, we've come to this standard of normalcy. I've made peace and accepted their idealogy - that's just who they are, a result of their own life experiences. I can say my opinion, but it is up to them to take it, and vice versa with me. They do nag every now and then, but I take time to calm down now, less trigger-happy with the online reaction, and let it go.
Besides, I think they're busy with the baby nephew now so I've got a couple years of leeway!

oh god some people at gay sg confessions are horrible. usually some comments like shouldnt we all be equal and help each other? some are quite rude

There will always be the bad apples, and even more so when there's a bigger audience. I can be quite rude there too sometimes!
Doesn't take away the fact that there are a few gentler, kinder regular posters though, of course.

I love your smile :) (im not a creep) my face becomes rounder when I smile. but yours is great! i also love your facebook posts. i go there when i wanna have a read at something controversial! hope you don't stop posting things just because you know some haters!

Thanks for the kind words. This guy I'm seeing/hanging out with now also gets hamster cheeks when he smiles ever so brightly. I tell him to stop. XD
Don't worry, the more I know there's hate, the more I will post. When you have the means to speak up for what you believe in, you should (within reason, and logically as best as possible). Cause if it isn't you, then who?
Liked by: Jaden

haha sorry if i kept throwing you hard questions tho. Just need some advice and someone to talk to.

And I'm willing to answer them. :)
I didn't have anyone to guide me when I first came out. It's better now, what with some of the kind dedicated readers of Gay SG Confessions and the like.
I've to point out though to take my words with a grain of salt - I'm not a qualified counsellor.

How do you handle sleep paralysis

I am IN LOVE with the experience of sleep paralysis.
I actually had a talk with a friend about this the other day and I told him that it's come to the point where I know the conditions I need to induce sleep paralysis. I know when it's coming, and I know when I'm in one. It changes the game when you know you're in one.
When I feel that I'm not interested in experiencing one certain nights, I force myself up the moment I feel it coming - it's usually this sinking feeling, as if you're falling backwards into a pit, or melting into the bed. There'd be whispers in my head and sounds are louder than usual. So I just force myself up, change my sleeping position the opposite way and I'm okay.
In the middle of the dream, though, I would wake up the moment I realize I'm inside a dream... usually after I try to read something or look at a clock; you can't read texts in a dream.
I LOVE the subject of dreaming.

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Liked by: naomi Jaden

Hey man. I'm 17 this year and, I've yet to figure out how I'd want to pave my future (educational pathways, this gay circle). I've got sorta traditional-ish parents, not sure if they're modern enough to accept their only child as a gay, not being able to carry on the family line..

I would suggest you concentrate on your future, your studies. The gay scene is great for coming out, knowing many wonderful people (and equally horrible ones), but there's always the potential of getting sucked into needless drama and bad habits. It really depends in what you look for, generally, and your personality. I must say it is a rather good proving ground if you wanna pick up some EQ skills. Everything moves faster here and you meet more people of various social status and background in a short period of time.
Coming out to the parents is one checkpoint of every gay man's life. I really don't know how to advice you on that as each family is different. Some traditional families I know of accept their gay son, some after years of convincing, and some simply disown them. It is a huge game changer when you decide to come out to your parents, so you really need to give it thought.
If you ever do decide to enter 'the circle', speak to many people. Learn their stories.

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My parents have been asking while am I acting so sassy and why don't I have a girlfriend yet. How am I suppose to answer them tho. And I'v been messing around with several guys in the circle, not knowing what I want..

There are many ways. If you want to prolong your 'time', especially if you're not ready, there's a million excuses you can use; no time, not stable, haven't found the right one etc. It looks like a cop-out, sure, but at the same time I know of people who have been kicked out of homes for coming out. Don't do it when you're not ready.
As for messing around, I think it's normal to have your fun as a young gay man. As long as you MUST remember to have it safe. Be very cautious. Every now and then I hear of acquaintances contracting STDs, even HIV. There are people out there who sleep around knowing they are not free of diseases. You MUST keep this in mind. Stay away from these characteristically toxic individuals.
I guess it is an eventuality that you'll take a step back and reflect about your actions. Stop and reflect when you notice sleeping around is affecting you psychologically. If you feel bad, unhappy after doing it, then stop.
Reflect and think about what you really want out of all of this... in this 'scene/circle'.

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Did not ask you the "ride Conal" question because i assume you would have pounded the tight asses of Jaden, conal, and zisong before....no offence...LOL

This is so fucking hilarious LOL. And I don't know a zisiong.

What is your signature dish?

I don't have one. But if I had to cook a dish to impress a friend, it should be salmon and salad.

Are you close to any of you secondary school or poly friends? I don't know of their existence, if any.

At a certain point of time, right before I enlisted into the army, I cut off all contact with both groups. Simply vanished.
I wanted to start on a clean slate. Army sounded like a perfect excuse.
Over the years I did get back in contact with some of them. Some through work on film sets, and some just quick catch ups. I have them all on Facebook still. Many of them see my posts, and a few are following me on Instagram.
But I guess we've all drifted apart. Just another natural profession after school.
Liked by: huatyhuat

Have you lost any of your idealism?

Not at all. It simply progressed. I'm much more compromising now, I hope. I believe everyone has a place in this world.

Why do you think you have not had an LTR? Are you afraid of commitment or really letting people get to know you and love you unconditionally?

I've actually just gotten out of a relationship a few months ago that lasted about 2-3 years, depending how you look at it.
I guess I would simply sum it up as I'm not ready.
You actually got me thinking a bit. I find it frightening to know there's someone out there who loves me unconditionally. It simply doesn't click in my head, I simply don't understand it. "Why me?"
It's a strange thing to be doted on, 'worshipped', or given high amounts of affection. I really cannot explain the why, it just doesn't sit right with me.
On the other hand, I absolutely adore giving unlimited amounts of affection to other people I fancy. So.. I don't know. You can interpret that however you want it.

Be positive. lead the life you want. (sorry I'm a stranger & I'm talking quite a bit here :( , just motivating you )

It's okay to talk. :)


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