
Audi Khalid

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how that yr parents are muslim and you are not??can you explain ??

I can't even understand what you're asking. English, please.

Ok i don't know much about the Malay-Muslim culture but I know you're not a Muslim but your parents are, right? So do they still expect you to kiss their hand? Or is that not a Muslim thing to do?

That's actually a Malay culture thing. I don't do it though. Feels weird to touch my parent's hands.

why would you feel uncomfortable?

Different wavelength. Kids and their raging hormones, getting clingy. Plus I have to keep everything PG.

Then the higher prices at non Halal-certified Muslim eateries aren't justified. They're just taking advantage of the community's dietary requirements. This happens a lot in private canteens and in areas where muslims have no choice but to eat from that stall or consume fast food.

Non halal usually have lower prices, but prices are more complex than that, depending on rental, quality of ingredients and management.
From experience it is the halal stalls that are more expensive, in context of the same Kopitiam.

Malay/Indian Muslim food stalls manned by Muslim staff do not necessarily have to apply for halal certification, right? Based on my experience, Muslims will generally not feel "was-was" when they patronise these eateries.

They don't have to if they don't want to, really. Depends the type of clientele they want to attract.

I really enjoy looking at the photos you take. There's a certain 'feel' to it; sometimes nostalgic, always breathtaking. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you!
My work tends to have this kind of bittersweet, melancholic touch to it, and it's been like that even way back in secondary school. Or something. But yes a part of my psyche is rooted in the past, and the other part is looking forward to change ahead. Or so I think.


Language: English