
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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What kind of articles interest you?

Varies, but I'm more drawn towards local politics and developments. I like reading parliamentary coverage, for example.
Liked by: Aiden

Am I the only one who thinks you aren't as creepy as you seem like?

Not at all. If I truly were creepy I wouldn't have plenty of friends to laugh about with. I'm creepy on purpose and truth be told I'm aware it's a defence mechanism... sometimes to avoid awkward topics or to scare someone away. Though to be honest it's bloody fucking fun to be creepy.

It's ironic that your Instagram bio say no cute selfie and hot body here, but all the selfie are cute and hot! Hahaha 😜😝😝

I can't say only hot bods and selfies what later people call me bhb
Liked by: Kris

Don't lie, you are more of a receiver than giver 😏

I'm the kind of guy that really enjoys giving blowjobs but when it comes to anal I prefer doing the poking.

Hi Audi :) I need your opinion. I'm now having my first date with a guy. We met from a forum and both agree to not being a casual fun date, but aiming for an LTR. However irl he seemed so keen on the fun part. Since first date, he tried to kiss me and bring me to his room. Do you think this is ok?

Two separate matters really. On one hand, what's wrong with casual sex? You can look for an LTR AND still have casual sex. Sex is a part of a relationship, after all (generally).
Of course, some people just say LTR when they're really just looking for fun. Makes them feel less like a slut. Honestly though just go ask him if he's looking for a fuck buddy or something. And, really, if you and him agree for a night or many nights of fun, it's okay. But if he forces himself on you, then that's not right.

Do you think someone should ever change himself just make the one he like feel the same? I'm confuse, because the person I like seem to have interests that is kinda different from mine and I want to have common topic to talk him.

Differences in interest is common, normal, and fine. Probably with more conversation you both would find common ground... whether it's bitching about something, or food, or whatever.
You can try to understand his interests, maybe even appreciate it, and vice versa. But truth be told, buddy, if there's little to no activity you both can do together and grow from, what's the point.

What characteristics do you prefer to have in your boyfriend?

One of it is probably not asking me the same question every two weeks
Liked by: Jia Qi

What are your thoughts on younger gay crowds?

Yay another generation of boys who will go through the same shit I did when I was their age.

I always thought that since Brunei has a strong bilateral relationship with Singapore, they would see Singaporeans in a better light.

I don't know what it is but Malays outside of Singapore generally don't see Singapore in good light. We're the Israel or United States of South East Asia.

Your package, slurp. FEED ME LIKE I'M YOUR SLAVE

Sorry my package not big enough to feed even one person


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