
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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Can you give the details of the where to find these fortune teller advise givers? personally I see it as entertainment like a movie or dinner like you ;)

There's one Ba Zi reading at Beauty World Centre. The lady is seated in a shop that sells precious stones. You have to give her your date of birth and time of birth and she'll need a couple days to prep a multi-page print out of everything about you.
The other one I go to that I like is located on the second floor of a restaurant opposite Pomo. Her name is Monica, she's an elder Indian lady.
I urge you not to go there for 'entertainment', but to seek a genuine opinion on your personal matters. She's kind hearted and has good intentions, but she'll tell you off when you start making a fool out of yourself.
Her number is 9389 3551.
Liked by: Kelvin Ang

How would you categorize the questions you receive in your ask.fm account (ie: questions from friends, trolls, haters, advise, from creepy perverts, gossip mongers, etc...)? Can you list the categories?

They're right now mostly genuine questions seeking opinions and advice. I get very little gossipy, critical and gross perverted questions anymore. Guess the creeps and haters got tired trying to get air time.

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'I never thought I'm a worthy addition to their lives.' That's deep. That line just says so much on how you're like all of us. Very intriguing

Really? I've always been like everyone else. Just a little bit more weirder.

So 'cut the credit cards/debit cards' really works ? don't you find this inconvenient (online shopping, mobile payment, taxi trips, etc)?

Obviously I have amounts in my bank. But I also have cash. Use the cash first. The card when needed (bigger purchases).
The important thing is to have a budget for daily or weekly expenditures.

What were your methods to get money in both your spending and savings account ?

Firstly; get a fucking job. I didn't realize how obvious the answer was. Get a job. Seriously. A regular, stable job. You can do your film writing and photography on your weekends.
Next I did was track my finances. I live very simply, and rarely splurge on cafes, clothes, items. I had to tell myself what was a want, what was a need. Then I realized I didn't need much. I make every big purchase worth it. It's okay to spend stupid money on a mattress, or a shoe, because you know you're gonna be in them most of your life. Quality, value.
I threw away a lot of things in my room. That's when I also learned I don't need many things.
Every month, take out some amount of money from your pay, and throw it somewhere in your room. That's your savings. Don't put it in your other bank account. You will use your second card for nonsense purchases.
Carry cash. It hurts more when you can see your money depleting.
Have a budget. Each night I go out, I have a budget in my head. I don't touch my card now. I pay by cash. It hurts more.

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Was the decision to open an ask.fm initially entertainment and you 'stumbled' onto the importance of making it more authentic ; or was the idea with ask.fm to be authentic from the start ?

The latter. I was at the point i needed to be honest with myself. I was, in a way, done 'acting'.

Within business the concept of 'social enterprise' as a means to ameliorate social issues by using business solutions has garnered more attention as a more sustainable model for business. Please share your views on the potential for personal social media brands to participate in social enterprise.

Something I've learned from the whole DSLR video culture change in 2009 onwards is that people don't identify with 'official' brands anymore. They prefer personal personalities. Much alike film, they connect better with people who are 'just like them', with their own struggles, successes and failures.
Philip Bloom is a great example.He broke down a lot of the notion of 'brand identity' from mega corporations to one single personal name.
Nobody gives a shit if you're from Whatever Studios. They look directly for "Joseph Tan".
People do tell me that my personal accounts have the potential to dilute the brand names of whichever corporation I'm affiliated to at a certain point of time. I reject that notion. A personal name gives more trust to people.
On the other hand, the guy who has this 'personal brand name' has the onus to regulate the ethical and moral identity. He should understand that influence and power comes with a price. I have no qualms tearing down a person who acts unethically and deceivingly for the purpose of profit. It is disgusting.
I always emphasize to my blogger friends to be honest in their reviews. You can't just promote stuff because of money. You have a name. You be responsible with it.

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Can you share more on your views/experiences coming from the film industry and your ability to successfully construct a social media presence? You have mentioned the utilization of irony and juxtaposition as a means to engage your followers, are there other techniques you've 'borrowed' from film?

The world is a stage.
Film writing has taught me a lot about philosophy and perception. Film narrative is basically trickery. The media is based on trickery. When I want to see how something works, I carry out the experimentation. It's worked well for me since 2008. But recently I think I'm done with it. I've seen it work. I know how it works. But my moral and ethical values have caught up with me.
The words you use, the time you post it, the things you plant into people's minds in interactions. The color of you use, the treatment you do on your photos... these are all I've learned from observing film narratives. It's a craft. It's trickery. It is a medium, and you can use it for good and for bad.

Various internet safety experts have suggested that online activities make a person more susceptible to identity theft, invasion of privacy, physical theft, etc. To what extent have you purposefully 'obscured' your social media activities to protect yourself and your friends?

I cannot answer this question in detail as it gives more information that internet thieves can leech out off.

If you were to describe your followers, how would classify the types/populations of your social media accounts?

Young gay boys.
Liked by: Jaden

If you want to understand the idea of connected social media capital, this refers to the quality of the connections within your online social networks (ie: not bot followers, and the influence and power of your followers followers...)... sorry for all the technical academic constructs.

I dont know. Is there really 'quality' to my followers? I don't keep track with who follows me. If they're influential or not, I do not really take note.

Haunted Changi was a 'flash point' to drum up support for your initial follower base of 'The Audi Entertainment Show' (ie: social media activities). In your own words, how have you increased the appeal of your personal entertainment show to increase your followership?

I never considered Haunted Changi as my flash point. It was just an added benefit to whatever I had. I rarely every bring up that to gain credibility. My work belongs in the professional realm. Just because I was involved heavily in two feature movies doesn't make me any better than anyone else.
My viewership has always been the gay community. I make close to no effort to drum up followers. I say what I want to say, i do what I do, but i do not do it because I want people to follow me. But whenever I can, especially to my closer physical friends, I imbued to them advice. If they accept it, they will propagate it themselves. I do not need credit to my name.

With ask.fm you've stated you are trying to break the fourth wall where there is a closer match between 'the way you see yourself' and the online persona that you construct. Do you feel this change/maturation is consistent with authenticity as a priority for mid 20s-late 30s adults [social trend] ?

Yes. It was fun while it lasted. I understand as I reach my 30s my perception of the world starts to solidify. My fear is that I become set into one view of the world. I cannot allow that for myself. I detest that notion. There's always something to learn.
In some ways ask.fm is allowing me to speak to myself and rationalize my thoughts before i hit the age of 30. I am done playing the game. There are kids out there who listen to me, as much as I believe I am not the best person to listen to. I owe it to them. I want them to learn from others.

Would the hypothetical researchers be on the right track if they have a hypothesis/model that suggested online activities like yours actually impact the construction of your private personal narratives (the way you see yourself that you may not talk about online)?

Yes. I've learned a lot about myself, about others, from this whole thing. More importantly I've learned a lot about the fears of people that I sometimes fear myself.
Liked by: Hamza Khan

While you describe your past activities online as 'entertainment,' would you believe that there's elements of 'experimentation' as in 'trying on a new identity' with your online persona? Have you found that some of these experiments persist and have become integrated into your 'person'? (contd.)

Yes. Sometimes I do get crossed frequencies with my personalities. There are times I do get lost between what is real, and what isn't.
But I chalk it up to just a phase. I learn from it.

List/discuss the things that would limit your participation as a research subject for academic studies.

Play's internal goal. Otherwise I'm fine with most things.

What is the longest length of time that a question has sat unanswered in your ask.fm list (ones you plan to answer but have not answered yet)? Are there any questions in that list that you continue to 'work out your thoughts' on before posting up your responses ?

A month ago. They're good questions.

If research was being conducted on LGBT youth in Singapore would you volunter your name as a potential subject/participant?


Do you being internet trolled and trying to out-troll the troll as part of your online social media entertainment?


Are you familiar with the concept of catfishes in online social spaces (websites/apps)? Have you ever been the subject of a catfishes attention? Have you tried catfishing someone (perhaps when you were an immature teenager, etc)? What is the most entertaining catfish story you heard about?

I don't know what that is.

If your online social media activities are not meant to make yourself high profile nor are they to help 'maintain memory' what you say is your main motivation to maintain a personal social media presence?

I'm from the film industry. I am in love with ironies and juxtaposition. There are times I deliberately exude a certain image online even though in reality it is the opposite.
Every film has a message. I absorb that thematic. As I grew older I've come to mature, have my own views. I like to think all this social media thing is a game. It is much alike acting. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, and it shows. But it's a mix of genuinity and social media persona.
There's always a message. And some people find film as a good medium, I find it in social media. An ongoing act.
I'm ready to break the fourth wall, and my askfm is the most honest I've been online. Please, speak to me. I'll answer.

(contd.) the 2009-2014 data? Wouls you be open to public academic analysis and discourse of your 2009-2014 activities in the published research (in other words no longer a blinded study)?

I have had this thing where even my dates think whatever I post online is the true me.
It is not.
This is all entertainment. I'm an entertainer.

If there was an opportunity for the research to be extended and you were invited to collaborate on the future research, would you participate and what questions would you suggest to be investigated? Would you be open to being extensively interviewed to help triangulate and confirm the robustness of


What would you say to "him" if you tell "him" anything right now?

I just spoke to him before I left for the night. I'm now at Attica.
I'm getting a little bit intoxicated, so see you all tomorrow.


Language: English