
Audi Khalid

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do u have fucked btw guys (rough sex) haha

Do you understand that it's intrusive to ask questions like these?

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did you know boo jun feng studied in the same course as you in poly? that's so cool ~ he made it! where are the rest? when i read up the "notable alumni" section there are like only 3 names there, lol.

Same reason why the school of engineering doesn't have half its intake on the 'notable alumni' section.

if there have three wishes, what would there be?

- Not receiving mass-send questions.
- Have those guilty of doing so understand it's pretty rude and cheap
- I wish this question never happened.
Liked by: Sunny Low

So u wont mind if one day I meet you and I grab your butt ? :)

Just as long as you accept any following consequences, whether they are good or bad. The gamble is yours to take.
Liked by: Sunny Low

I saw u once. I dare not to greet you but me eyes were starring at your butt. I got a boner, im not kidding

My fat butt?
Liked by: Jaden

are you trying to say that once the mountain is repaired, the activities should go on as usual just like before this "..rare .. and freak" accident? i need to confirm if this is what you're tryna say.


Do you think those primary school kids should've climbed the mountain?

Yes. Why shouldn't they? It's a well-climbed mountain, and have been so for many, many, years. Countless children and adults alike have gone up and came down safely.
Don't let one natural, rare, unpredictable freak disaster stop the children from having such wonderful experiences out of the classroom.

Why is there a higher tendency for Malay boys to end up wanting to marry some girl ah? Feel damn sian you know? I'm a Chinese boy who likes my ahbang ahbang but it's so hard to sustain a relationship with them. #adopting30catsnow

Cultural and family pressure. Religion is also very deeply connected with Malays. They can have their usual teenage rebel or young adult hedonistic years but eventually they're most likely to return to religion and family.


Language: English