
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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I really think you are good looking. Ever since OCH movie. Epppp!

That was 2010! Haha thank you for sticking around. :)

will you date young boys ?

The difference between my youngest and oldest date is 14 years. I guess I'm okay with any age. I look for mentality in a person; friend or lover.

Do you think you are too old to go back to school? Would you still pursue media arts related degree/post-grad studies?

No. I might go back to school to get my degree or higher, but only when I'm ready or when it's really necessary.
Right now I'm simply afraid of the university debt once I finish school. I don't want to be tied down by that.
I do want to go back to school, though. But not film school. Maybe a craft, or humanities.

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Are you proud or disappointed on how Pink Dot has evolved now that the movement is larger?

This is a question I would rather not answer publicly.

How do you personally deal with office politics?

I listen to everybody's point of view then offer a compromised solution that benefits both. Take it or leave it.

Please lor you said you're singaporean wtf. You're from east malaysia!!!!

I was born in Toa Payoh Hospital, then migrated to Kuching, Sarawak where I stayed for 12 years. I came back go Singapore when I was 13 years old.

You are stranded on an island. What 3 items are a must-have for you? plz no smart alec answers :)

An empty book, a bunch of pens and a watertight hard case.

do you adapt to situations around you or do you remove yourself from situations that do not work towards your strengths?

Again, depends. If it isn't crucial, I would walk away. But if I'm invested in it in anyway, philosophically, a matter of principle, then yes I'll adapt and change with the situation. I'll try my best to make it work. But you know, sometimes you try your darnest and it still doesn't work. You just have to know when to walk away.

are you more people/relationship oriented or goal/task oriented?

It really depends. Some people don't like it when I start gunning for results without any empathy for those who would be affected by the decision. That's my belief that sometimes you need to make unpopular decisions to make things work. Human emotions does tend to get in the way of overall progress. But I told myself to reserve this for professional use. Partly the reason why I give more leeway or even avoid doing business/work with friends.
Other times such as gay parties I'd be more empathetic. I love my community and I know some of their concerns. Certain things you must deal with it your heart, other times with your logic. I tell myself to draw my sword sparingly.

do you prefer the freedom of freelance work or the routine of employee work...

I've found a job that gives me the stability of a regular employment with the freedom and excitement of a freelance job.
I work in a photo studio, and each day I'm tasked on different kinds of shoots. I'm not bound to a table. I do plenty of things not too far removed from regular production work. There's just enough variety to keep me excited to come to work everyday.
The best part is that this company is small enough to not be lost in corporate red tape yet sizable enough that it doesn't collapse when one employee is gone. The financial incentives are great on top of the basic salary, and I'm not spending 12-16hrs on set like I did before. I have a better idea of my weekly schedule, a routine, and I have ample time on weekends to do whatever I want and I know nobody will bother me about work during those times.
I've come to value my personal time. It is just as important as working hard. My life has improved tremendously after this job; I'm happy, I get to meet my friends and form better relationships, and health has improved. I really don't know why I didn't just take a regular job earlier!
7 years as a young freelancer toiling in dirt being bankrupt all the time isn't a career.

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do you find the possibility of failure motivating or demotivating?

Motivating. I had a business once that failed after 3 years. I've done a few initiatives in private that has also failed. A quick chat with successful people would reveal failure is a common trend but you just have to keep pushing, change with the wind. Eventually you just need that one big break and they'll call you successful.

Do you feel immature for a 26 year old?

I can be absolutely kiddish in certain things. My emotional aptitude is rather basic, to say the least, but I believe I'm developed well in other aspects. After all, maturity doesn't level equally across the board.
People also tend to equate maturity as 'seriousness', which I think is mistaken. They then think 'fun' is immature. I can foresee at the age of 70 I would still be making dick and fart jokes. At least for one I know I'll be happy still.

do you feel you have a negative body image?

Obviously. I think I'm fat and my face is ugly. I actually really believe that.

Are you available on 30 Nov. We will holding chem fun at RWS.

I do not condone nor partake in drug-fueled sex parties.

do you think you have had more than 100 sexual experience throughout your life

Are people really expecting me to answer *anonymous* personal sexual questions on a public platform?

your previous account was r21? i mean i've known you as being open but hurting your mum must really mean there were serious shit.

It was actually the fact that I was open with my experiences that hurt her. She's always been the kind that's conservative, always wanting me to keep my head low.

Why do you surround yourself with people eventhough you know deep down one day they won't be there for you. and i know you draw the line between friends and close friends like others but you're like a "social butterfly" and it may take a toll on you one day. don't you feel alone sometimes!

I think the fear here is that you're expecting some sort of benefit from people you call friends. I don't believe in that.
I tend to accept friends as they are. I don't expect anything in return. Whenever I do something for them, I don't need to be repaid in kind. Is it genuine sincerity when you offer help but expect something in return?
No, I never had that fear of ending up alone. I've walked around enough to understand that people come and go in life. Certain friendships will drift apart naturally, other times they start out strong out of nowhere. Don't mistake me; I do value all my friendships. They're each unique in itself, and there's something to learn from everyone. But I don't hang on to them till my knuckles turn white (except for a select few).
The phrase here really is, "It is what it is, it lasts as long as it does." When a friendship ends, be thankful for the good memories. It happened. That's life value added to both of you. Yes, you will feel pain from the separation, you will feel regret, or like it's a 'waste'... but are you gonna keep sitting on that feeling and let it control you?

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you really inspire me a lot! i noticed you in some films be it short films or movies and also events. I like how you stay true to what you wna do, and grab every chance that comes. I see that you are strong willed and you are very talented in what you do! Seriously, I've followed you for some time n

Hey thanks for all the kind words. I'm guessing you've been sticking around for a few years now! :)
Wishing you the best in your endeavors too.

will this account end up like some othet ones you've had - lockrd and closed... seems like a cycle of opening and closing...

I don't know. I closed the previous one because my mom went snooping around and got pretty affected. I locked it just so that she stops snooping and hurting herself. Eventually I did open it back up again but left it there as it is.
If this ever closes it'll most probably be because it has become a side entertainment that has gotten too big, taking up too much time for no real benefit.


Language: English