
Audi Khalid

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Some say you are tying too hard to be high profile...

I've actually laid out my point of view about all this 'high-profile' nonsense in a previous question. It was a lengthy one. Long story short, 'high profile' is a nonsense concept created out of thin air and revered by those who have a very narrow idea of the world around them. It is a title that holds no meaning, and anybody with just a bit more reach than other people can be bestowed that title. It is a title that lacks integrity.
I thought long and hard the past hour or two about your question. I've come to the conclusion that I cannot control what certain people have to say about me, and any rebuttal I could give would never change their minds. My rebuttal would be irrelevant to the opinions they already have of me. At the same time, their criticism is irrelevant to any aspect of my life.

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Do you often wonder who asks what questions? Do you match up questions to certain friends or anons? Do you think you're correct? Can you guess who I am?

I don't actually have an interest to find out who is behind the question. There's a certain honesty behind anonymity that I like.

When was the last time you and your family ate out?

I think it was last week or a couple weeks ago. We went to a seafood place at the end of Woodlands, on a pier overlooking Johor.

I used to think you're quite annoying and attention seeking but after finding out of your askfm, it definitely has changed my mind.

Haha. Is the impression worse now? I apologize.

I've only met you twice (once at the clubs, and the other at the recent GSC Kopi Session). Both times, I wanted to say hello, but thought you looked too aloof and distant (haha, sorry!). Have your close circle of friends ever described you as such?

Hahaha I'm so sorry. Yes, actually I'm quite notorious for being distant and aloof especially to strangers. I can walk through the whole club and have selective blindness; sometimes I don't notice people right in front of me, or even people who shout my name.
I mentioned here before I actually have to prep my mind before attending any social setting. A natural introvert, really.
I truly only warm up after I'm familiar with a person after interacting a few times.

Do you speak with a breathy 'head voice' or do you have a good 'chest voice'?

Really depends. My natural voice is from the upper chest, but in social settings I switch between head and deeper chest depending on who I'm talking to and what I'm saying. When I'm trying to act cute or be 'friendly' I use the higher voice. When I'm flirty, serious, or just being courteous I use the deeper voice.
This is obviously all very deliberate and calculated.

How did you come out to your family?

I didn't. I came out online. They have been stalking me and all my social media accounts for years, way back when I even had my blog as a teen.
But I knew that back then. I knew they were watching. Coming out online was deliberate.

On perpetual attention whores. Well I usually ignore them. But sometimes they cant be very persistent with their AA antics. Yet if I un-friend them they'll make a drama out of it. Perhaps I should just "unfollow" them. Do you have friends that you "unfollowed" ?

Yes? I've unfollowed, muted some of my friends. I'm quite picky with what's on my feed, though. So before i even follow I usually check their history and what they post. If I like what I see, then I follow. Even then, there are some people I don't play up to their need for validation, and I just don't 'like' their photos and move on with my life.
More often than not, people would unfollow me first cause of the things I say or excessive noise. I usually find out long after because I don't keep track of any of this haha.

What places in Singapore -- that may or may not still exist -- have strong meaning, or are emotional for you?

There's a certain memory I've been trying to figure out its location for the longest time. It keeps appearing to me in my dreams every now and then ever since I was a kid.
The walls of this place are grey/white. Tiled. It seems like a McDonalds. I can still smell the Happy Meals and nuggets. It has an outdoor area, with wooden canopy and plants wrapped all around it. The McDonalds main area has a step that leads down into it. Outside, I only remember a lot of open spaces. All gray. But open spaces. The floor is tiled.
I do not know where this place is, but I know for sure it is a real place. I don't know why this place sticks out so often in my memory. Sometimes I think looking for this place is the key to... something. I don't know.

Do you see photography as painting with light?

It can be. But I see it more as documentation and journalism. I guess when it comes to creative imaging, though, then it's a bit different.

Can I get a good body without going to the gym?

Yes. It's the physical activity that matters. While you may not go to the gym, you could be at the park doing pull ups, dips, push ups and other sorts of work out.

When was the last time you dyed your hair?

2007? It was brown. I might have dyed my hair black a few years ago too. My hair is naturally dark brown.

How are you with children?

I hate being around children. They seem to like being around me though. I don't like kids.

Wah all using your Ask fm page to gain publicity.

Leave a name, get famous!
If you call any of this 'fame'. It's nonsense.

Personally I won't hesitate to write off people who tries to play mind games with me. What is the ONE thing that will make you write off people without hesitation? (people that you've actually hung out with beyond an ad hoc basis)

Dishonesty, overly-attached, unkind to animals.


Language: English