
Audi Khalid

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What percentage of your followers on ask.fm.do you believe have read all your answers?

I'm guessing 5-10%. Nobody has time to read what I write except for the person asking the question.

Do you think natural disasters like the flood in Malaysia or the big tsunami 10 years ago are good reasons to believe that the UML is not benevolent, deliberate or kind?

I think UML (seriously it's becoming a thing huh) exists as it is. Much like how if you were god, and you threw a rock at the wall, you would have no care about the atoms that are involved in the collision.
Maybe that wasn't a good example, so don't take it too literally.

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What makes you so certain that religious thoughts/understandings are fixed, static and do not evolve ? It appears that your definition of fundamentalism and religion are the same... I would argue that tribal fundamentalism is not religion.

My apologies, I didn't explain that clearly enough.
In every religion there exists unwavering 'rules' that are the very foundation of it. Example, the five pillars of Islam. The foundation of Islam would not allow me to reinterpret the meaning of prayer nor argue its necessity. There is no argument against it. Five times per day, and it is the direct link one has to god.
I do understand religions evolve throughout the centuries. I wouldn't be so oblivious to that. And even between sects, interpretation of scripture could be vastly different as well. Even in different countries.

There is a theory in psychology that suggests that people 'hate' on what makes them insecure (self-hatred). A classic example is the closeted gay teen hating on open homosexuals. Do you think you 'hate on religion' and 'Sg Aunties' because they make you insecure ?

I think the SG auntie one is logical. I detest the kind of nonsense the typical Singapore auntie brings along with them. No doubt that is nothing to do with self-hate.
In regards to religion, though, I did have a phase where I was anti-religion. I knew exactly where it was coming from; my parent's religiosity.
My whole life I've been hung up and compared to in religious yardsticks. It made me feel useless. It made me feel like nothing I ever did was right. I could be the kindest man on earth but to them it felt like it didn't matter because at the end of the day, I was not religious. It sounded like absolute horseshit to me. How can a man who does nothing but good be denied a seat in the heavens simply because he carried the wrong flag on his chest? Religion, as it seems to have been sold to me all my life, was more like a club, a political faction, a cultural war of us vs them rather than something divine and loving. The religion I was sold was filled with hate, discrimination, black magic superstitious voodoo.
As I grew up I started to find a voice, and I did everything to spite my parents. I did the opposite of what they advised me. I broke out of my shell, and I started exploring things they told me was bad for me. They told me I shouldn't read this. And I would read it. They told me not to hang with these people. I hung out with them. If they said it was taboo, I'll speak of it. I was very curious. The question always was 'Why not?'.
Then religion came about. I rejected religion because it never did anything positive for me. I found out I was gay. People kept telling me that I was not Malay or Muslim enough. I was pressured, and I simply couldn't fit in to the common Malay society because of largely the language, mindset, and personal values. Every where I went I was told I was not good enough, no matter how much I ask myself 'What have I done wrong?'. I was not good enough because the label on my chest did not say MUSLIM.
I've mellowed down a lot recently, and have actually read up more about religion, because it's always wrong when you start thinking you've got it figured out. I've come to accept that there is place for religion in this world, and we all find peace within ourselves in different ways. Religion wasn't exactly the problem. The problem was people. The problem was people nosing about another person's religiosity when they should have been concentrating on their own. The problem was people who believed religion was about rituals, about eating with no less than three fingers, or wearing shoes on the right feet first as the devil wears his on the left. That was not religion. Religion was always about the self, and one's connection with the heavens above. It was not about herding a community together, creating factions and going to war with people who were different than you are.
I've made peace with religion. It is people I have a problem with.

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Have you ever considered that your McDonald's memory with the beach might have been a 'reincarnation' memory? But to me it sounds like scenes in two townships along the east coast of Malaysia ( Cherating and KT). maybe your parents took you there and your mind reshuffled them slightly ?

I'm very sure the McDonald's one is in Singapore. I have never traveled to Peninsula Malaysia as a kid. I'm very sure it was Singapore. I remember Singapore's sun to be blinding, scorching back then.
The beach one in Vietnam, however, I am very much not sure. It is incredibly vivid. All i had to do was run from one point towards the jungle in front of me. Every time, the same place. The same fear. And I know I'll feel the bullet in my head. It was never painful. I could feel everything, but it was never painful.
This dream has been recurring since I was very, very young, way back when I was still in Kuching.
I do have another peculiar dream, though. That one... that one still bugs me sometimes.

Do you find it ironic that when asked more about UML your answers start to sound more faith like - not unlike when others are asked hard questions about the nature of God from Judaism, Christianity, or Islam?

I do recognize the similarities.The difference being, that I am open to changing my beliefs and spiritual ideas. To me, it is an ongoing discovery. The religious, on the other hand, are generally already entrenched in a certain set of beliefs and rituals and would almost be impossible to convince a different interpretation of, say, scripture.
Religion is an institution. Spirituality comes from within. Spirituality can exist without religion, as religion can exist without spirituality.

Given that so many people are curious to see your opinion on the mundane, serious... Drop gossip questions in your box... Is that not empirical proof of your popularity ? If I opened an ask.fm account no one would ask me questions.

The problem with me claiming popularity is the ease for some other random guy who takes only soft-porn selfies with 11 thousand followers on Instagram to come over and argue against it.
I'd rather not deal nor discuss the petty drama of who is more popular. My dick isn't that small.
Liked by: Thura

Since you believe in the UML, does that mean that you believe in a creator who 'set' the UML? Since you believe in UML does it mean that you do not believe in an omnipotent God ?

I cannot speak of god accurately. I only believe there's a certain universal entity that may or may not be sentient, physical, or deliberate.
God may very well be an conscious alien, or a mathematical theory. I do not know.

With regards to your ask.fm account have you ever hit 'inbox at zero'?

In the beginning. Today I went from 16 to 40+, down to 30+ an hour ago now I'm back to 40+. This is after deleting all the other rubbish questions.

You have an opinion that Singapore Aunties are self-entitled. Do you feel that this is another kind of stereotype?

A stereotype doesn't exist out of nowhere. Racial, nationality, physical outlook, sexuality, regardless.
Stereotypes are empirical, and are statistically verifiable.

A Butterfly flaps its wings in Asia, a tornado appears in North America. Where does The Chaos Theory (Butterfly Effect) stand in your UML?

While I have read topically on the Chaos Theory, I do not have the intellectual capacity to understand it thoroughly to give an opinion.
I like how UML is now a thing, though. Haha!

Where is the most spiritual place you have been ?

Strangely, they're the back alleys, unlit corners, backstage places away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are times even I find some temples crowded and earthly.
I used to enjoy walking down the city in the middle of the night, between 4am to 5am. That is peace.

Are you the type that seek for love or are you the type that believe if it happens, it happens.

I think infatuation is something that naturally happens, but love is a deliberate and conscious effort.

Section 377A existed in like British times? Then it's about time to revoke it already in today's context

People tend to equate law as definitive, and the end-all-be-all. They do not understand that law changes with society, and largely reflects the culture of its time. Singaporeans are guilty of believing the law is infallible.
Unfortunately I believe the Singapore government is in a very tight spot when it comes to 377A. I have no doubt the government isn't deaf to logical argument, and I wouldn't be surprised if certain ministers wouldn't even mind repealing 377A. But the government doesn't have that habit of making hard decisions when it comes to culture and social issues, unless it is monetary. The population's perspective on homosexuality, I would argue, has to move forward first. The population has to fight it amongst themselves and argue about it, then only will the government make a move on the side of the majority.
Another theory I thought of is the fact that our closest neighbor doesn't exactly like us. Take a look behind the smiles of politicians and read the comments Malaysians have of Singaporeans. There are feelings of contempt, and arguably racist undertones. Singapore cannot be too liberal as well, for fear it could polarize a much more conservative neighbor. It's gotten even more touchy now with the ISIS nonsense infiltrating certain communities in Malaysia. Repealing 377A could result in a liberal vs conservative backlash across the border, with hardline fundamentalist using that as an excuse to attack us, believing we are a 'sinful' country.

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Liked by: Thura

Universal Mathematical Law. Do you mind elaborating on that?

I haven't fully fleshed out this concept, so forgive me for the following infantile explanation.
I believe there are natural laws of the universe. The simplest example would be cause and effect. On a larger scale, something I don't have the intellectual capacity to fathom, this could explain the way the universe works.
For example, in an open world RPG game, it is bound to its programming codes. A certain code is the foundation of say, the physics of the world. Anything can happen in this world, but it is bound to these few basic codes and it cannot exist outside of it. This is a simple example.
Another real life example would be fractals. These are repeating patterns that are self-similar to another, and it happens naturally. I like this example because it shows that things can happen organically, but are restrained by invisible rules. It's much like comparing neural structures of the brain to the patterns in the galaxies and stars. They are similar.
A book I've read in relation to Asian martial arts once said, "To know the big, you must know the small, and to know the small, you must know the big." There must exist a unified theory or some sort of universal law that governs everything in existence. And this, is what I call the act of God.
It is because of this law, that the seemingly random chaos of the universe somehow aligns itself, somehow can place galaxies are specific spots in the universe, and can also respond to the energies of mere humans. On top of that, this law seems to be self-regulating as well.
The question now being, was this universal law put in consciously by a sentient being, or did it happen naturally? That, is what I think God is.

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What do you say to people who wanna be "in the scene" or hang out with people who are "in the scene?"

I say go ahead, do whatever you want. It's not an exclusive club.

My straight friends are planning to go to the event at club chameleon! Should they? But I'll be the only gay guy.

Come on down! I'll be there. It'll be fun, I promise. :)

How does it feel to be a popular gay icon in Singapore

Until there is empirical proof I do not agree to this statement.

No. I do not feel people who pray more are more spiritual, that's so far from what I meant by being spiritual. I am too very attracted to Buddhist philosophies. But "Compassion" is the element that I appreciate the most. Buddhism teachings on emptiness to me is beautiful as well. (Heart Sutra)


Do you believe in God, or Allah for that matter.

I believe in the existence of a universal entity, one our tiny brains and consciousness cannot comprehend. This universal entity can be sentient, or a concept such as a universal mathematical law. It can be anything. I do not know.
But he is not the literal description that comes from Abrahamic scripture. That would be too simplistic.


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