
Audi Khalid

Ask @AudiKhalid

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What's your view on child (or rather teen) marriages are that are not arranged? These young adults are much more likely to leave school prematurely, and settle for unskilled jobs. Are you in favour of a minimum marriageable age? Or should these teenagers be given the liberty to get married?

I don't agree at all with teen marriages. It has more potential to damage lives (people grow up and change, mentalities change) than do good.
Much alike I would rather teen pregnancies be aborted than to birth a child you're not even capable taking care of.

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Do you feel high profile because Tee Jay Hughes replied to you ?

I think you guys care so much more about 'high profile' than I do. Seriously. People like you need better things to care about.
Teejay replied me. I fangirled. That's it. I'm sorry if dense idiots like you can never see things at face value. Fuck off.

Have you considered cognitive behaviour therapy to help you break these bad habits ? Do you have an intention to form new healthier habits ? Are you aiming to be tobacco and alcohol free or just reduce... How much of a budget cut (in terms of percentages)?

Man, I feel like I'm being interrogated.
A gradual reduce for now. Discipline. Only smoke X number of sticks per day, only drink at X occasion etc.
Yes I am forming healthier habits since a few months ago; cleaning my room, saving money, watching my accounts, drinking plenty of water, control of diet, working out and more personal, quiet time for reflection.

How do you plan to stop smoking and drinking ? Are you going to reduce your budget for these vices ?

Definitely a budget cut, and also linking up with friends who do not spend their time at Tanjong Pagar every weekend.

Besides procrasting and being messy in your room, what is your worst bad habit that you would like to break ?

Smoking and drinking. I can hear everyone laugh already.

How do i open up to my friends that i'm gay?? i feel that if I expose it i would literally collapse :c

Do you have a best friend? Or someone you feel like you can open up your emotions to? Try him. Or her.

A working adult and a student with age gap of 5 years (there's almost nothing in common) what are the chances that they two can be tgt?

This is actually very possible. Sure he may be working and you may be studying but I think as long as there's love and a common interest relationships can happen. :)
Liked by: Jaden Thura

Do you have a 'gay voice' - one that is naturally more lyrical than most monotone male voices ?

I don't actually think so...

Is it hard to say" I love you " to someone you hardly seen/talk to?

As in someone you're not together with, or have never met? No. I would argue it's much easier.
To someone you're attached to but ajways disappearing though, it's still easy. Then your infatuation fades. And he becomes a ghost you cannot let go, but also cannot bring yourself to say those words.

Is your first gay scene crush still your friend ? Seems many of your dates become friends later...

Yeah he's still my friend.
Actually a lot of my dates were friends first. And an equal number were dates/hook-ups/flings before becoming friends.

Did you ever find an Asian face that looked good with butterfly light ?

I think most faces look generally okay in that lighting. It's even, well-lit. Doesn't really give much room for creative lighting. Posture is what takes over.

Do you have a preference for open-loop or close-loop lighting ?

Rembrandt vs loop lighting? I personally prefer Rembrandt, but again, Asians tends to look better with a more open-faced lighting style because they have soft features. I shudder whenever I see some high-contrast Rembrandt lighting portraits on Asian faces cause they end up looking like pigs.
In practice, though, I do what I think is best for a persons face. Some people look unflattering at all angles except from the direct side. Imagine that!

Do you still Plurk ? A what stuff did you put inside?

Plurk died like 4 years ago.
It used to be a place I emo-ed over a crush.

How many friends do you keep on your private Twitter account ?

None of my real life friends are on that account.

How old are you? Living alone? Have you ever thought of living somewhere that isn't in Singapore?

27. With my mom. I *just* answered the last question last night.

This really leave me devasted. I see you always befriends with Chinese. So any tricks? Like what do they like and dislike in Malay guys. :/ So I can try change. Hopefully one day I'll get lucky. Till then, sigh.

There are two issues in your opinion that rub me the wrong way.
One, I find it insulting that you think there's trickery involved when it comes to dealing with a Chinese person, or a person of another race. I approach all my friends openly, and I love them all the same. I have never ever made a distinction that they were Chinese so it means as a Malay I have to approach it differently.
Secondly, get all this notion of racism out of your system. You may think it isn't racist, but it is. Here lies the problem I find with many in the Malay community. Some of you are so obsessed with the concept of race, that you do not see to it to open your hearts to accept people as they are.
People tend to warm up with those who are genuine, with those who are on the same frequency as they are. You cannot be friends with someone who keeps making the distinction that they are different from them.
Your thoughts, no matter how subtle, translate into real actions. Erase that distinction between races from your thoughts and open up to everyone of different cultures and upbringing.

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Is love along enough to maintain the relationship? If love is not around, what is it that will keep the relationship goes on?

Love is not enough. Commitment is one of the biggest key ingredient to make relationships work.
Romance will extinguish. Love will fade, evolve into something different. Commitment is what leads you to invest emotions, thought and goals throughout your life. Commitment is an ongoing process. With it also comes faith and trust, to let down your guard and believe in your relationship.
Liked by: Thura

What are you thoughts on 'on and off relationship'?

As an outsider it makes all logical sense to simply end it. It's a waste of time, energy, emotions and it affects all areas of your life.
As someone who has gone through it though, I know how difficult it can be to stop. Sometimes you find you're the one perpetuating it.
Liked by: Edward Ethan


Language: English