
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Do you see all Christians like you do this Lane duffus? I've enjoyed some of your vids. As a Christian, I hope that the radicals don't spoil the group to you. My religious beliefs are that we should love each other BC life sucks and its made easier by others. There is bound to be others that agree.

Religious people don't really bother me. I just hate people who spread lies and ignore science to make their arguments.

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Any advice for an atheist whose parents deny science and reality in favour of Christianity?

Wait until you're 18 19, move out, get away from them
Liked by: Rebecca

What do you think of bronies? (Please don't hate us)

I would be lying if I said I fully understand bronies, but when it comes to social issues, bronies tend to be rediculusly level-headed and educated. I like them as people even if I don't share their hobby

Is saying "ISIS militants arent true Muslims because they kill people" a no true Scotsman fallacy??


why do you hate mgtow? men who don't want to commit to a relationship. is that so bad for you? does that inspire your butthurt that much?

No, I don't hate anyone.
I just don't like they way the movement has lumped women into a catagory that doesn't properly represent them

What kinda channels are you subbed to/watch the most on YouTube?

I watch RedLetterMedia the most
JonTron and sometimes his friends
Like 4 or 5 animation channels headed by the sleepycabin dudes
Sargon of Akkad and his wonderkin Shoe0nhead

Well one things for sure, the States have many wonderful things, but it is a crazy place! I live in the south, and I'd love to live in Canada. Less crazy people it seems

Exactly. Canada is great.
The cold weather is literally the only reason I would move, and I have no plans to move.
Liked by: Emilia Rebecca

If you could live in another country, where would you go?

I would want to get further away from the cold, but also avoid ultra lefties and ultra conservatives...
I've always considered moving to the States, but I am not sure where I would fit in without wanting to blow my brains out.
Liked by: Emilia

Since you like the attention so much, do you prefer just random questions or when people verbally fellate you?

Mainly the random questions, but the verbal fellatio has been a nice treat
Liked by: Rebecca

what do you think about muslim armor (the iron armor not the modern armor)?

The only Islamic-armour I really know about is from the crusades era and it was basically garbage against the European steel the crusaders brought to the fight.


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