
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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First off big fan, just wanted to say. What's the worst incident you've ever seen with someone refuting the existence of dinosaurs? Save from the fright at the museum, of course.

Some woman said anyone can make a dinosaur bone and refused to listen how that makes no sense.
Not the worst thing in the world. it was hilarious actually
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Lately I have an earwig form the Deadman Wonderland opening...and somehow an animated intro plings into my mind, where you are fighting shadowy figures with the feather of science and the shield of scepsis. Is that normal? Or did one of your secret minions smuggeld something im my morning coffee? XD

Yeah, I'd get help
Liked by: Claret Rimli

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how would you feel if someone found out who you are? considering you were atheism plus it wouldn't be impossible

Wouldn't be the end of the world. A+ is so forgotten by now.

You can watch Southpark on their official site SouthPark.cc.com. Only problem is that it's *Powered by Hulu* which means 15 minutes of ads per episode.

Unfortunately, that site only lets Canadians watch old episodes.

Favorite Fiction Genre? Favorite Author? In That Genre?

I don't read a lot of fiction. When I read I would prefer to learn something.
Buuuuuuuut, to answer the question, I like Distopian Future books, specifically George Orwell.

yeah I'm bitter and needy, so fuck it. Just saw Shock of god Awful arguments. Did the cunt (him, not me, I'm more of a pussy) ever reply to you on your vid? His video was kind of offensive enough that he ought to take a hot lava bath...

No, he never acknowledged it.
He doesn't really participate in the creation debate anymore. Most of his videos are about this one, ultra-realistic war-based video-game.

Do you watch South Park?

I used to, yes.
I don't have cable so I don't get the show right now, but if it is half as good as seasons 3 - 10 then I bet I would still be watching it.
Sometimes I worry they will run out of ideas, but then I'll catch, say, the Redskins episode; Just pure brilliance!
Liked by: kittyeatsbunny

Have you ever heard of our watched any of EssenceOfThought's videos?

Yes. He was in my big mash-up video, Search for Logicked.

I can't remember if you brought this up in any videos, but can we know your first name?

Sorry, no.
I once had a video out on my Armoured Media channel where I show my face and say my name... if you can find anyone who remembers, they'll tell you.

What do you watch on YouTube? Mostly atheist stuff?

Um... no. Very little atheist stuff. Mostly Skeptic stuff, general comedy and cartoon and movie related stuff.
Basically anyone who can make me laugh about a subject in which I'm interested.
Sargon of Akkad is one of my faves right now that doesn't fit the comedy mould. He is clearly smarter than I am and has credibility up the wazoo. Mykeru Media too, but he rarely makes videos.
The rest, like RedLetterMedia, specifically Mike Stoklasta, tickle my funny bone in a really unique way. If I could do anything for a living I would do what they do. (Which is what Armoured Media is all about. My limp attempt to be Mike...)
JonTron used to be good, but he's gone limp lately, focusing too much on reviews and not enough on comedy. Still worth watching.
Shoe0nhead - Funny as shit and smart as a whip. She is also much more tuned in with what's happening than I am. Mostly I like her stuff because it's refreshing to hear someone who has a clear view of reality, but fuck if she doesn't make me laugh. Very clever.
Ricepirate, OneyNG and Psycicpebbles and their whole crew are masters of comedy. Perfect use of Juxt-position and misdirection. Really addicted to animated comedy of their quality.

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Liked by: Milen Stoev Liam Fay

Have any thoughts of what may have happened to the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Yes, I have thought about it. I have.

Do you ever fear that your voice will get recognized on the street and if a stranger walked up to in public and asked if you were really the Armoured Skeptic, what would your respond be like? (sorry if I posted this twice)

No. My city is pretty small, like 150k people. Chances of someone's e here seeing my work is slim.
The only people here that watch my stuff are university students and I don't really hang out on campus.

What's your best argument against Libertarian Socialism?

Um... that it is a contradiction of terms?

Do you like Taylor Swift music.

What even is her style? I thought she was supposed to be a country singer but her last album was all just generic pop songs.


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