
Armoured Skeptic

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Do you think its good to have groups who fight for the rights of people such as (blacks, women, men...ect) but are not assoicated with SJWs? If such groups exist can you give an example.

There are plenty of organizations that do that. they just tend to get hijacked by narcacist sjws

Even though this will never happen, say that overtime there were no more theists of any type, and everyone was Agnostic, Deists (of some sort) and Atheists, what would become of the literature of these theistic beliefs? Such as all the holy books and the religious philosophers/writers?

We would study them as historical works of art.

would you ever consider doing a video response to the Vigilant Christian. *im totally not asking for one even though I sorta am at the same time *


Would you love to see Hitch brought back from the dead for one final debate?

No. let the ma rest.
he left a really strong legacy

What do you think of Sam Harris?

I like him a lot.
I disagree with him on his book about morality, but that's not a deal breaker

Cigarettes and cigars are sooo bad for you. I mean I know it's your life, but it would be sad if you died from lung cancer. Are you willing to stop completely?

like I said "occasional"
Liked by: Nørdic Nikølai


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