
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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do you have religious fans? not haters but actually fans, who like and enjoy what you do?

Yup! at least 1/4 of my audience is Christian.
I'm not an anti theist. I think that's why they like me.
Liked by: Debora Urban

first of all, I love your voice and the way you explain things, so here is the question, have you think of making videos where you just explain stuff, like scishow stile or similar?

Yup! I will be making vids like that in the future.
Liked by: ari Debora Urban

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what do you think about ufo's and E.T. stuff? there is lots of information about those topics but what is true and what is not thats a big question. but what is your basic opinnion?

Not impossible... but aliens have not visited us.

whats your view on abortion?

I am pro choice... but I take no pleasure in the act.
I feel a fetus is a person.
I would prefer if people only did it when necessary, but since we can't choose when we get pregnant we should have the choice to end it.

You mentioned going full time when you hit the 1k marker on Patreon. From what I see, you've already hit it. When do you plan on beginning?

The number you see is not the same as the number I see.
Yes, it says I've hit 1k but in reality I'm only getting about 3/4 of that.
I won't go into specifics, but some of my pledges are trying to cheat the system to get a free shirt.

what happened to the armoured critic

The Armoured Critic is here to stay.
But the channel is just for fun. I can only really commit time to it if I have met my quota for Armoured Skeptic stuff.
Lately I've been so busy getting the T-Shirt deal settled and my Website up and negotiating contracts that I have barely even had enough time for AS vids.
Anyways, when I get more time I will make more AC stuff!
Liked by: James Hunter Brown

I enjoy your videos very much, you seem quite knowledgeable. I was jw what your primary field of study is

My main fields of study in school were history and film making.
But I dabbled in almost all of the sciences.
I'm just a huge nerd and love to learn. I'm always learning something.

Have you seen TruthSurge's "Excavating the empty tomb" and what do you think about that series?

I love his earlier work.
He does a very good job in that series of portraying his views and give really impressive reasoning.

are we ever going to see your face? you have a sexy voice so im hoping you have a sexy everything else too

Yes, one day you will see my face.
Probably after I hit the 100,000 sub mark, can officially be a professional youtuber, get my website up and I can be comfortable with the idea that showing my face will not affect my subscriber-base.

Do you play video games? Also, is life more free as an atheist?

Yes. Quite a bit.
Yes and no. I don't fear the afterlife, which is freeing... but I also feel more responsibility for THIS life, which can be confining at times.

Do you think you would be interested in going on TheDrunkenPeasants with TheAmazingAtheist and his friend and brother? They've mentioned you a few times and say they can't get in touch with you. I would love to see you on the show as you're my favorite skeptic Youtuber.

One day, yes, I will probably go on.
I can't find any requests from them though. If I ever receive a formal request I will make time to go on.

Do you think we should debate creationists or stop giving them platforms?

People you disagree with will always find platforms.
If you disagree with someone you should debate them formally. Make it clear what they believe and make it clear why it's wrong.
Ultimately it's up to the audience to make up their minds, but if you can teach some people on the fence a thing or two then it's worth it.

What part of making your video do you love them most?

I guess that I like the audio-recording part.
It's tedious to edit, but I usually laugh my ass off a few times during the recording portion.
Liked by: Debora Urban

I saw that you play video games a lot, what is your favourite genre of game and what is the game you play the most these times ? Thank you :)

Hard to say for sure... but Real-Time-Strategy is probably my favorite.
Liked by: Debora Urban

What is the most annoying thing that creationists say. Something that really erks you.

I don't really have a problem with Creationists in general. People can believe what they want to believe.
I don't know if there is any one specific thing that someone can say that erks me, but when someone tries to teach others that their fantasy is the real reality that really bothers me.

What is your general opinion on religion?

I really don't care much about religion in a general sense.
A lot of my friends and family believe in god and even some of the people I respect the most are in some way spiritual. Believing is harmless by itself.
I have a huge problem with the way people USE religion to take advantage of people, to control people, to push political agendas and to lie.

are you sticking to only religious idiots or will you also be taking on anti-vaccers, food babe and anti GMO people

I plan on taking on all sorts of stuff like that. I just don't feel comfortable with my knowledge on those subjects yet.
For the record, I don't go after religious people, I go after evolution deniers. They just HAPPEN to be religious and just HAPPEN to be idiots.
Liked by: Debora Urban

What will happen to mankind by 2100?

*Puts on psychic turban*
There will have been another World-War by then, likely over water.
Our population will be drastically smaller due to disease and lack of food/water.
The Leafs will win the cup... no that's a lie.

I know you fly solo. But it would be intresting if you could do a podcast like the DP. And invite people to debatten with you on various topics. Ever considered that?

My windows for chatting with others are few and far between... When I get more time to do these kinds of things I'll be making time to chat on podcasts.

Which country/people do you think is the closest one to what you would like yours to be religuosly?

Hard to say. We all have issues.
Canada is pretty great. Religious freedom and all. Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, all have great cultures and freedoms too, but each of those countries has social issues that I wouldn't want to deal with.

A creationist told me that it was impossible for the earth to be billions of years old due to the earth rotations slowing down every year. I'm not educated on the subject. Can you debunk this for me?

TylerLominac’s Profile PhotoTyler Lominac
He's right that it slows.
There was a time when the earth spun one rotation per hour... about.
We are still in a wonderful little window where the rotation is beneficial for life.
Liked by: Tyler Lominac


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