
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Do you have a favorite fictional world in which you'd like to live?

I don't think I would ACTUALLY like to live in either of these, but I wouldn't mind visiting the Star Wars universe or Middle Earth

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What first inspired you to join the religion/atheism debate? I'm an atheist and I've considered discussing it in a public sphere, but never actually 'taken the plunge' so to speak.

I used to be religious... I feel compelled to teach people skepticism so as to avoid letting others get sucked into that nonsense.
Plus it's therapeutic to make fun of the assholes that used to lie to me.

Are you at some point going to join the many prominent skeptics that take a look at feminism and point out it's just another crazy religion? like the wage gap myth, 1/5 myth manspreading and shirtgate etc.

Probably not. Who knows.
Feminism has torn the atheist community in two and I'm trying to bring it back to the days before that, where everyone came together and laughed over creationist nonsense together.
The reason I push skepticism is I hope people will learn to be as skeptical of ideals as religions, but it seems the majority of my audience still hasn't figured that out.
Liked by: Vlad

There's a lot of Atheist's on youtube, you however seem to be more comedic than most, while still making good arguments against the idiots you react to. How do you do it?

I dunno. Too hard. Next question.

Do you think, that the universe might be one of multiple multiverses, that first expanded and then compressed due to a black hole and afterward expanded again, meaning, that our universe might ultimately condense and cause another big bang and a new a multiverse?

That's called the Cyclical Universe Model.
No, I think the flat-universe model makes much more sense. People have gone to great lengths to prove them Cyclical model and have failed.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

You said that you were once one of those people that you debate in your videos. I don't know if you've ever said it, but what happened that snapped you out of that mindset? Was is a single event or something that happened over time that affected you?

It was a period of a few months where I deconverted, but the main thing that changed my mind is I re-read the bible two years ago and realized it was just written to suppress the lower-class people and force them into serving the priest-class.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

What single thing could turn many people away from theism and towards secularism, in your opinion?

Maybe outlawing religious-based home-schooling?
Nothing really that would be a breech of freedom in North America, but teaching people science and the scientific method would certainly help.

Are there any Youtube channels, other than those that debunk Theism and SJW, that you enjoy watching?

I spend most of my time watching RedLetterMedia, Screen Junkies, JonTron, PeanutButterGamer, Angry Joe, Total Biscuit, Team Four Star, YourMovieSucks, Cinemassacre, too many to name them all!

Do you think that "rape culture" is a myth?

It exists to an extent within certain groups and circles, but the idea that it is as prevalent as SJWs are asserting is simply erroneous.
They want us to believe that everyone is not only OK with rape but will cover-up someone else's rape because it's "cool," and that is simply not true. Most people across the board see rape as being worse than murder. Rapists get treated worse than murderers.
If there were a "rape culture" than there would be fewer rapists in prison. If there were a rape culture than people's lives wouldn't be ruined simply from an accusation, even if that accusation turned out to be false.
Liked by: Emilia

Would you host a contest where a fan can skype/FaceTime you Sir Skeptalot?

I've been wanting to do stiff like this for fans and patrons, but I simply don't have the time right now.
When I can convince my wife that I can afford to do YouTube full-time I will be doing more fan-service.

can i have your tough on the incoming federal election? (sorry if i butchered english, i'm a quebecer)

I have a feeling the conservatives will win again.
The real question is, will the NDP beat Trudeau's pro-marijuana campaign...? Probably not.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Your answers are fcking hilarious!!! What are your thoughts on some people actually accepting evolution but they say that god set everything in motion at the start, the bio-Genesis? Isnt it just "god of the gaps" fallacy? I cant stand people that use the god of the gaps bs

RickardKarlsson285’s Profile PhotoRickard Karlsson
I'm fine with it.
Baby Steps.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

Humans are the only species that are grossed out by the thought of drinking breast milk yet half of it drinks from cows or goats and everyone eats the chicken's period.

IvanoviciVlad’s Profile PhotoVlad
I doubt you could convince a bird to drink breast milk.
Liked by: Shinigami

What brings you to liking the medieval era, or at least armour so much? Personally I like the Age of Sail with the big 100+ cannon ships. Reason being is that the ships are beautiful too look at until an entire broadside shoots hundreds of cannon balls in your general direction. Beauty and power.

I used to feel that way. I loved the colonial Era, but the more I learned about armour technology the more it captivated me

Is it true your channel was going to be called Armoured Super Skeptic but then you realised the channel's initials would spell ASS?

No. That was a joke

What do you think of the conspiracy theory that the world is going to end on September 28th 2015 ? It sounds silly to me but what are your thoughts on it.

In my life I've been told about 4 or 5 "end of the world" theories that didn't pan out... This will be no different
Liked by: Marina Swanson


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