
Armoured Skeptic

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Did you follow any other atheist vloggers before you started to do your own?

Most of them I don't follow anymore, but the ones I do still follow:
-The Bible Reloaded
-Messianic Manic
-Venaloid (though he takes year+ hiatuses)
There are more... but the list is too long.

Armoured Skeptic, what was your most favourite subject in highschool?

Still is my favorite subject.

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Are you going to do a video about The Vigilant Christian Mario?

Maybe one day.
He is kinda crazy... for sure, but his fans are even MORE crazy and I kinda worry what they may try to do to me if I do.
Besides, do I really need to? This fool is so wrong that he only has a fringe-group of Guy-Fawks mask wearing cronies who believe him.

Does the fact that horse shit ideas from the fringe left are going mainstream scare the shit out of you? It does to me and I´m a lefty. Hell, I even did my undergrad in Communist Cuba. This comes on the heels of the "ban white men from University positions" article in The Independent.

Oh, it most certainly does.
I've been trying to keep my channel out of political debates, but the more shit like this happens the more compelled to do something about it I become.
That particular article is written by an anonymous writer, and I can see why; it is extremely racist and sexist.
There is this funny phenomenon happening where people say anything is sexist and anything is racist, UNLESS it is directed towards a CIS white male. This is a very disconcerting direction our society is taking. There may have been a time when this was true-ish, but today we have a generation of men who were raised in a society that treats men and women the same and treats all races the same. These men have no real-world experience with sexism or racism, as they were not raised in an environment where such things really happened.
When someone starts directing hate towards men for being men or white people for being white they are being sexist and racist.
I am not really sure if I am a lefty, but I know what you mean. Some leftists are so left that they make regular lefties look like they're right.
Yes, there was a time where being a white male meant you had privilage, but those days are over. This article and this movement of anti-white and anti-male attitudes is just taking us back into an environment of hate that our society thought it had cured.
How are we supposed to atone for our sins in the past (The sins of our fore-fathers) if we are still being thrust into an environment of hate, discrimination and prejudice.
Our society seems to be perpetually willing to destroy itself with hate.

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This question has been burning my skull for a few days. When humans develop habits such as their inner clock, is it a form of evolution that can change? not as a physical changes but psychological changes(could be temporary)?

I'm not 100% sure I completely understand the question.
The human's inner-clock isn't a habit, it's an ability that helps us recognize time passing based on reference from our environment.
Yes, the human's inner-clock is a result of evolution and is subject to change like any other evolutionary trait, but the ability to tell time without a clock is such a beneficial trait I can't imagine our species being able to survive without it.

arent people like yourself or jaclyn glenn basically making the same videos everybody made 7 or 8 years ago?

Jaclyn is... yes.
I think one could argue that I'm bringing something new to the table.

How long does it take to make a video?

It depends.
Usually around 20 hours, but the last video took me over a week, and I'm only 1/3 done...

A lot of the people you argue against seem to be "low-hanging fruit", for lack of a better term. Are there any smart theists you might consider making videos to, if any?

I argue with smart theists all the time. I may publish one of those debates one day.
I go for the low-hanging fruit for two reasons.
1) They continue to use old arguments that have long been disproven (though not as eloquently or entertainingly as I have)
2) It is just good fun to tease those who have such a... poor grip on reality.
Liked by: Era Venator

Do you believe that there's still hope for humankind?

No, our species is spinning around the toilet-bowl.
The irony is that the thing I love the most (science) is a partial cause for our downfall... Ignorant reality-deniers is our main problem though.
Liked by: Era Venator

Ever ridden Clydesdale?

Not really. I have ridden a half clyde, half quarter-horse mix.
I looked at a few when I was shopping for a horse, but I landed on a Belgian Draft instead.
My only experience with clydes was that they are a little too slow-moving for me.

Are there any atheist groups in Kingston Ontario for like minded people to just shoot the shit and talk about pressing issues

Not that I know of.
It's possible, but I've only met a handful of people in my life that were willing to admit that they don't have any convictions towards a god.

Do you ever have the sarcastic thought that some you lampoon are oddly living evidence that evolution may also include reverse progression?

As funny as that question is, the answer is no.
Evolution is like a shark, it can't swim backwards.

Why and when did you decide to reject the idea of a God? Secondly, what are your thoughts on the existence of souls? There's a lot of people saying there's scientific evidence for in and they talk about Quantum Tubules or something, I can't find the actual report so I can't formulate my own opinion.

I have not rejected the idea of a god. I am open to the concept. I just don't believe it, nor can I imagine an argument that could make me believe it.
I doubt very strongly we have a soul. If we do, why is it our personality (the thing that makes us who we are) can be changed with minor brain-damage to the pre-frontal cortex?
Liked by: Shaye

Is that your real voice or some amazing computer generated one? It is so smooth and silky, makes you sound like you must be hot. It really goes with the schmick suit.

Era Venator
100% my real voice, though I'm sure the computer adds a few pounds.
Liked by: Era Venator

Will you do a full Video with your real armour sometime?

It's hard to stay in that armour for too long without someone to help me with the camera.
Just filming that 2 minute sketch took me about half an hour to do.
Liked by: Dennis McCabe Parks

Did you already think about the schedule for your videos? (How often per week or month and so on.)

I've tried a couple times to stick to a schedule but it's currently impossible.
In the future, when my time is freed up, I will have a much more regular regiment.
Liked by: Dennis McCabe Parks


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