
Armoured Skeptic

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Have you ever seen an anime that you liked or at least found interesting? Unrelated have you ever seen The Grand Budapest Hotel?

I used to like DB and DBZ as a kid, and Airbender is cool
Love that movie. Wes Anderson's best work.
Liked by: Shinigami tssf

You should make Armoured Skeptic plush toy! I would buy the fuck out of them, and dry hump the fuck out of them.

I looked into toys.
no matter what kind I make I would need to sell 50 just to break even.
doubt it would work
Liked by: Emilia

What are the best places to visit in Canada?

Whistler and Vancouver
Kingston, Ottawa
Montreal, Quebec City
pei, nova Scotia
and like any of the forests
Liked by: Emilia

Could you do a video response to this cringe-worthy video? I tried to watch the whole thing but I was so utterly disgusted by this video that I am asking you to try to make a response. http://youtu.be/FbxD04LWW10 Love your videos man you are amazing

how am I supposed to make a cringe-worthy video entertaining?

I was looking for where you found the last Feuerstein video. (You know, "the gays are getting married, we're all doomed" video) Checked his channel, couldn't find it. Wanted to see him being slammed by his own fan base, hehe. Can you provide a link?


What would you say if I made a similar channel to yours (Replying to creationists videos and the like..) I've got a nice, "cartoon character" if you will, to work with. Can I get your thoughts/ideas/objections to this?

do what you want and have fun
people will tell you that you're ripping me off though

I already know your thoughts on the insanely moronic anti-vaxxer crowd, but how do you feel about the passing of SB 277 in California? I personally think that it's a watershed act that will help curb their ridiculous influence. Also, thoughts on "alternative medicine" quackery in general?

as much as I hate the misinformation spread about vaccines, forcing people to take vaccines is illegal. I'm surprised it took a bill to make that clear.

You seem like the best guy to ask this, and Im curious: now that our appendixes are pretty much useless, do we see any signs of our appendixes slowly getting smaller or is there an increased amount of children without appendixes over time? Sorry if that question makes no sense.

it seems the apendix plays a role in digestion. it's a back-up reserve for bacteria
Liked by: Claret Rimli

When you get tired of being smart all the time, what are some stupid things you do to relax?

play video games, joke around like an idiot
Liked by: brvchkv

Maybe our universe is where all love comes from, and it seeps into other parallel universes from our own, and it is weaker there, like that theory about gravity. What if that is why a man with a helmet for a head and a girl with a shoe on hers from different countries get together? Do you like dogs?

Liked by: Claret Rimli

This ones for you since you love logic: Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks “Do all of you want a drink?” The first logician says “I don’t know.” The second logician says the same. The third says “Yes!”

good one
Liked by: brvchkv


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