
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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How was Gaia created? At this point I feel the need to tell you that I have asked at least 20 questions in 3 days and now I'm just leaching every bit of information I can't find from me, you're like a teacher who's not aware I'm asking you random shit just so you'd notice me, senpai.

I don't know, but she's been around for a while. I think even the Greeks had a concept of a Gaia mother earth figure.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Well, I am from the netherlands and in my country the amount of religious people is quite small in contrast to the USA (of that i know, could be wrong), my question is, are there that many religious people in Canada that you got into 'fighting' against pretty much ignorance?

No, Canada is quite secular. But the religious people here can be just as crazy as those in the US.
I'm not here to fight ignorance, I'm here to have fun and make you laugh...
Maybe teach you some science along the way.
The replies to crazy creationists is just a platform in-which to entertain you.
Liked by: Shinigami

Are there differences between the atheism and skeptical community? Which one do you enjoy more?

Not too much, its more about what we focus on and our methods.
The Atheist community seems to have no qualms with belief in ideals and stuff, but instead is just people who share a lack of belief in god. There isn't much more to it than that.
The skeptical community spends less time debating things like "does god exist" or "is the bible true" and focuses more on concepts like logic, reason, scientific-method and applies them to claims made about... anything really. Everything. Not just religion.
There are atheists who are quite religious about their philosophies, ideologies, beliefs and identities but you don't get the same thing from Skeptics.

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I don't know about your other subs, but i could listen to you and Sargon have nerd offs all week, especially if you talk about the medieval period.

I doubt we'll talk about that again, but I'm sure he and I will talk again.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

What do you think about The Young Turks?

They used to be really legit. Chenk left msnbc so he would speak more freely about the corporate right.
then the whole staff went super left. They're so left now that even lefts look like theyre right next to them.
I'm not saying that they're always wrong, but their bias is so obvious now it makes them hard to watch.
Liked by: Danny Emery

I just finished listening to your 100k celebration stream. The difference in conversation with Sargon on his channel and conversation with Sargon and Shoe is comical. I must say, I like intelligent banter but I think I like the more relaxed Skeptic. xD (P.S. is me asking for more) Great stuff!

Yeah, that entire conversation was not planned so shoe, Sargon and i just talked as friends.
The conversation with Sargon was just a nerd-off.
I'll likely do more in the future.

Are you into anime? Also, what kind of music do you dig and what's your favorite band? I'll guess rock/metal from your endings but some people appreciate just the guitar complexity some people create.

Not since I was a kid, no.
I like some of almost every genre. I am not huge on metal but there are a few songs I like.
Liked by: Emilia

What is your opinion of the recent string of prominently black church burnings. Reports say 3 out of the current 8 are due to faulty wiring or lightning. Many say its race driven. Opinion?

my opinion is... until a link is found we can't assume anything.

what model of microwave do you have if you do? Can you show us a picture of your microwave.


Are top ten countdown makers artists? A lot of them have shit opinions and iirc, aren't protected by fair use laws in the US. Plus I think they're clickbaiting cancer.

I like a good top 10 from a person I respect about a subject I'm interested in, but danger Dolan and top 15s and shit like that? no. garbage.

Any thoughts on selling an Armoured Skeptic toy?

MicheaB’s Profile PhotoMichea B
I looked into that. the cost is too high. I would have to sell almost 100 of them just to break even.
Liked by: Michea B

What's your thoughts on today's human population and it's rapid increase in number? If means were provided, would you trim it down a tad? How much, why, why not, and how would you pick the ones that should die? Yes, I am against human growth because nature and because we're parasites.

Trim it down a tad... means kill people off? I'm not really into eugenics.
if anything needs to be done, a limit of children a family can have would have to be imposed. anything else would be barbaric.
Liked by: Emilia

Is there any other way to contact you the character limit is too short on here.

PM me on my facebook page.

Do you like Family Guy?

I used to love it. The first 3 to 5 seasons were great.
After the second time they were canceled their jokes became predictable and they made too many references to their own show.
I havent seen a new episode in years now.

I'm having a hard time coming out as bi to my parents. My dad mostly, who I kid you not - almost kicked me out for supporting lgbt rights. Should I tell them the truth or should I just move to Sweden XD

If there is no real hurry, wait until you move out. you're too young to risk getting kicked out.
however, if you're legit in-love with someone of the same sex and you want them in your life, you'll have to tell them eventually.
Be sure to be apologetic and explain you can't change who you are.


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