
Armoured Skeptic

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How entrenched is creationism in North America's society ? As a European, it's quite entertaining to watch.

not much anymore, depending on where you live
Canada's conservative party members aren't even allowed to talk about young earth creation.
the USA is a little different. much more creation talk down there
Liked by: Claret Rimli tssf

So I've heard you say before that you are a fan of Jontron and I'm genuinely curious if you were/are a fan of Game Grumps. Do you like that sort of humor like the rest of us?

I loved the days of Grumps when Jon was on the show. Now... not so much.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

Do you get tired sometimes when peeps comment on your appearance?

Nah, its a novelty right now. I'm sure people will forget about it soon.

Do you think its possible that the Roswell UFO accident might be true? I mean there have been witnesses of the crash

there is less than a 1% chance it's true.
Chances are it was an experimental aircraft from area 51 and when people started saying it's aliens the gov let them because it drew attention away from what really happened, which may have been illegal

hey skeptic. so ive head that your face was leaked and i would like to see it, however i dont know where it was leaked and have no idea where to look. could you be so kind in telling me where i can find it?

I would rather not give my doxer any more attention than she deserves
Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

because of someone's comment, I imagined you to look more like Seneca Crane from the Hungrr Games, but all is well! like the earrings! did the medieval ages inspire you to get them?

Uh, I don't think so. I used to be in a couple rock-bands and it was pretty common for members to have tattoos and piercings.
Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

You were probably wise to reveal your face now. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that McDerpmott likely would have taken it upon herself to do it eventually. And as for DP you came off good, dude. You were funny and witty :) good job

She already did.
More people get to see my face on my terms this way and also I can now show off things from my personal life, like hanging out with my tiny girlfriend and horse pics.

I think you and TJ have more in common than you might think. His whole angry atheist shtick is something he really plays up for the camera, when he's being serious he's a reasonable person. On a lot of issues he rides the fence. Would you agree he's sort of like you after speaking to him?

Politically we share a lot of the same opinions, yes.
That's not what I was referring to.
I meant more that our entertainment styles are very different and our humour is VERY different. I was really worried we wouldn't be able to bounce jokes off of each-other the same way I can with BibleReloaded, Sargon, Shoe and other friends I do streams with.
I think my stream with DP went pretty well; better than I had guessed. I just don't think it was what people wanted it to be.
Liked by: tssf Claret Rimli

Heya, just subscribed to your channel! Loving the content so far. What's your take on Social Science and Evolutionary Psychology?

The social-science are not really sciences the same way Physics, chemistry, biology and so-on are sciences. You can't really trust results the same way and the industry is RIDDLED with bias.
Evolutionary Psychology is neat, but it too has it's problems.
Either way though, they are the best ways we have to study mental behaviors and they can at-least give us a framework to base our understanding of people and animals.

Hi Skeptic it's Kevin. I wanted to apologise for being a bit of a dick before but I literally have nothing else to do. I live in Birmingham but was not invited to GG in Brum for obvious ideological differences. My question is how do I pull Jenny if feminism restricts me to being a complete cuck?

Just orbit her and eventually she'll throw you some pity-scraps.

How do you plan to keep in contact with your fan base as it gets larger. I remember messaging you after every video earlier on and replies thinned (not complaining i understand)

getedgeywithme’s Profile PhotoNolan Maggs
It's hard. It's already at a state where I can't keep up.
Ask.FM and Twitter are the best places to talk to me now, but even then I can only keep up with so many questions.


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