
Armoured Skeptic

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Have you ever seen any sign that evidence changes minds?

Miron Boland
Only in those whoms minds are open to being changed.
Most debating we do isn't to convince the other person we're right, it's to convince the audience to think and reason for themselves.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

As a athiest student going to a very christian public high school I feel like my teachers treat me different what school I do?

You are in a good place. Be stern about it.
As long as the curriculum isn't about Jebus, you can act proud of the fact that you're learning about reality and not fantasy.
I know it sucks not fitting in, but when public school is over you'll find the world outside has a lot more space for you to thrive.
Liked by: Julian Pupo

Since you're a history geek: What do you think about Lindybeige's Youtube channel? I'm a big fan of his Videos (oh.. an BTW: Great videos and voice. Signed: A German Fan)

Though he is rather dull, I find him quite informative.
The videos I like the most are the ones he makes commentary over medieval and greek movies.

How was school for you?

Difficult, until my last couple years of University.
I learn in a very different way than most people and it took me a long time to figure out how to absorb text-books.
Lectures were always good, but the on-paper stuff just killed me.
Needless to say, I didn't graduate with honours, but I sure as hell know my stuff.

Since there is artificial evolution in which humans artificially force upon evolution on an organism(EX. giving ecoli resistance to amphicilian), do you believe in de-evolution, or at least artificial de-evolution? -Bio Student

No. Everything you said makes no sense.
Artificially educed evolution is not artificial-evolution, it's REAL evolution forced by humans.
There is no such thing as de-evolution... any change, even a change that seems to be a step-back in some way, is still evolution.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

How do I ask a girl out?

I can only really answer this from the perspective of a straight male asking out a straight female.
Women like confidence. If you don't portray yourself as a confident person, you've already lost.
Try to strike up a conversation with her. Make her use her mind a little. The more she thinks about you while you talk the better.
Then tell her you'd like to buy her a coffee/drink some time.
I don't want to give away too much, but it's not "game" it's just all about being the best "you" you can be and really selling that idea to her, letting her see who you can be.

Do you think that something like a soul exists?

I don't discount the possibility that our "consciousness" exists outside of our brains, but the idea of something like a "soul" being the answer to that issue...? It's just about the least likely possibility in my mind.
It's more likely we're in some kind of Matrix.
So, I don't discount it as a possibility, but I can't say I can imagine it being true.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Hi im 17 years old in a christian family and i have looked at the evidence and decided that there is no way to be sure that god is real. However, my parents are super strict and force me to go to church every sunday even though ive told them what i think about god. What do i do?

I don't know if I'm the right one to ask advice about this.
You only have a year or so left before you go to school. Just try to trudge through it until you can get out, I guess.

What do you think is the reason people in USA are so religious.

Besides the fact that it was colonized by extremely religious groups over the centuries (especially in the south) I think that the education system is mostly to blame today.

I recently told my Christian father that I didn't believe in God and the response I got made me feel like I would have been better off telling him I was gay. He then sends me a copy of the movie God's Not Dead. Can you think of a reason for me to not be concerned?

You won't always have to live with your parents... That's all I can say.
Some people will never be convinced their religion is a lie. You can't force them.

Do you like Penn and Teller's Bullshit?

Saw every episode. Great stuff!
They're usually only about 80% correct in their assertions, but it's still good stuff.

America has built a fence along the southern border of Texas, what is your opinion of building another along the northern border so that they are completely quarantined?

I can't lie, I like the idea of Americans staying on their side of the fence, but I kind'a need open access to the States from time to time and that open border comes in handy.

I'm surprised to find my self a fan of skeptic celebrities online. But here I am. Who are you a fan of?

onewirealpha’s Profile PhotoJohn Oliverio
I dont really fan-out for people, but there are a few people i respect the hell out of.
Sargon of akkad, Shoeonhead, Atheism is unstoppable.
It might be because I'm a contrary an, but people who take truth over political correctness always get my attention.

Will you ever join logicked in another video again?

We both tend to be too busy to hook up for longer than an hour or two at a time


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