
Armoured Skeptic

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Even if you dont believe in a afterlife because there is no evidence for one, would you still want one to exist. I am not talking about any religious afterlife. Personaly, I would not want a afterlife because I have already said goodbye, it would be too hard to meet them again.

Yeah, it would be pretty cool.
I don't know how bored I would get with an eternity... but it would be nice if life wasn't the end.
Really though, our time here is more meaningful if it's a one-off. If this is just a test, than this really is all for nothing.

Do you think that some sort of objective morality exists? For example: things that are moraly accepted in a society!

There is a certain amount of objectivity to certain things, yes.
The idea that ALL morality is objective is easily proven to be false though, as there are so many grey-areas that nobody ever seems to be able to agree on.

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You like Alternative rock? Which bands do you like the best, or which ones do you listen to the most.

I'll just name a few...
The Heavy
Alice in Chains
Smashing Pumpkins
Pearl Jam
Big Wreck (Canadian)
Big Sugar (Canadian)
Liked by: Emilia

the harold penismen video is probably one of the funniest youtube videos i've seen. and i'm pretty picky about that stuff. i'm glad i stumbled upon it. you should do more with them.

Thanks! We plan on doing another one soon. I hope it's half as good... there is a lot of pressure now.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

Are there links you can recommend for we who are technically illiterate, who would like to learn how to use A/V devices/webcams for recording? Consider me a blank slate, who knows were the "on" button is on the computer. Thanks.

There are tutorials on YouTube for almost every device.

Do you watch Drunken Peasants?

I've seen a chunk of a few episodes.
Mainly because friends were on, Bible Reloaded, Sargon of Akkad, or because they brought up a subject I'm interested in.

What video did you have the most fun making, whether it be from Armoured Skeptic, Armoured Media, or a video you were a guest in?

Hands-down, the most fun I had making a vid was when I did that Harold Penisman Chick Tract with Bible Reloaded.
I laughed so hard my head, face, throught and stomach hurt for hours.
Jake said he had to edit out 11 minutes of just us laughing.

Can you make more videos about the guy who yells at a trashcan? ?

Most of his videos he just rambles about MMA fighting, but I'm sure I can find another one.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

2012 a discussion in germany, about circumcision of baby boys is dismay (by their basic law) and that 'religons' have to wait until the children can decide for themself (14yrs). Now the 'rules of medical art' must be used. Much consternation came up because, of germanys past. What do you think?

Well, I am circumcised and as far as I know I'm not missing anything... but would I choose differently? No idea.
What I can say is that I think it's a body modification and any body modification should be decided by the owner of the body.
The MRA have been fighting for this in Canada and USA too. Can't say I disagree with it.

How long does it take you to make a video? Everything from selecting the video to scripting and editing?

Hard to say. There are a lot of factors. Each video is different.
Even though I do the laziest form of animation, it is still tedious and time-consuming.
The Selection I do in my spare time, usually when I'm at work, sifting through the requests I get from Fans.
Audio recording and editing takes about 5 - 10 hours.
The animation takes 5 - 10 hours too. Sometimes longer. Like, for example, it took me 3 times as long to animate the section with the T-Shirt in my latest video - not including the time it took me to make the new character models. Plus the Mini Consciences (Mini Skeptic and Mini Theist) were featured more prominently and require more eye-for-detail in their movements.
Then final editing and review takes another 2 hours minimum, and that's assuming there are no glitches, which is rare, there are usually glitches.
Usually about 2 days work spread across 3 days.
The Search for Logicked took me almost a month to make though. That was an insane, but satisfying project. Each scene took me 2 days to put together. The scene with the 4 guys on Google Hangout took 4 days. None of the actors knew who they would be talking to, I just had them record lines in-front of a camera and I edited it to look like they were talking to each-other.
I didn't want anyone bitching that they were going to be in a scene with a feminist or bitching that they don't want to be associated with an anti-feminist... blah blah blah...
But how else do you cram so many members of the atheist/skeptic community into one video when atheist/skeptics don't get along very well?

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Liked by: Emilia Adolf Liam Fay

Roughly how many toddlers do you think you could take in a fight at once?

NutoriousLYN’s Profile PhotoKing Duck
I used to think about this a lot when this question was popular.
I like to think I'd be like Neo against the endless hoard of Agent Smiths, but in reality I think I would start to get tired after about 100 of them...

What genre of music do you listen to the most?

I like a little of everything...
The ones I listen to the most.
1) Alternative Rock (I realize that's a broad spectrum - Look up: How You Like Me Now by The Heavy)
2) Classical music (Mozart, Bach, Beethoven)
3) Dance, electronic, mix, mash.

whas your worst experience in atheism plus?

I'm not one of those people who dwells on the past. Bad things happen and I learn from them, but I don't let that shit affect me.
A+ was not the worst experience of my life, no, it was more just a wake-up call that not all atheists are skeptics and some atheists will use the exact arguments creationists use to defend their ideals and see no irony in that.

where did you buy the armor? I need some gauntlets

I bought the Helmet from an English dealer that buys them from an Italian armour-smith.
The gauntlets are only Larping gauntlets. Easier to use for filming.
Liked by: King Duck

have you seen the scientology advertisement they plan on playing at the superbowl, I mean are people still taking this seriously?

No, but I've seen a couple of their ads.
I doubt they work as well as the culty recruiters do.

In your latest video. ''Man argues with Garbage can '' There is a song that plays from 1:49 to about 2:00 what is the song name.

I don't remember. I re-named the mp3 "Intro" and I don't remember where I got it...


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