
Armoured Skeptic

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As a philosophy undergrad I've seen firsthand the animosity between the fields of science and philosophy. I would love to hear your position on this issue.As a follow up question I would like to know if you think that there are any truths unobtainable by purely empirical science.

The scientific method is a pretty rigid mind-set. One could even say it's a philosophy all in itself.
Every other form of philosophical thinking is incompatible with the scientific method and is incompatible with the process itself.
Don't get too upset about it. A scientist cant do his/her job if he/she doesn't maintain the scientific mind-set.

When was last time you met a genuinely nice and open minded Christian that took into account facts and opinions differing from their own?

I think it was a minister a couple years back.

If you were given the power to abolish one religion, just one, say wipe it from the minds of all who follow it(Not kill them or harm them in any way), which one would it be?

It's an extremely harmful superstition.

Hi Armoured Skeptic Is it morally admissible for one to have: 1. consensual incestuous marriages ( two consenting adults) and/or.... 2. Polygamous ( One women marrying 30 men, or one guy marrying 30 wives) 3. Does moral relativism blurs the dichotomy between good and evil?

1) Incestuous marriages is not a morality issue. There is nothing morally wrong about marrying your sister, mother, cousin, but there is a severe evolutionary disadvantage. That is likely why people get the "heebie-jeebies" when thinking about having sexual relationships with people they were raised with/by. There is an emotion associated with this kind of act and that emotion is likely an evolutionary response.
The emotion seems to be attached to family that an individual was raised by/with and has nothing to do with actual blood relation. Girls and boys who aren't blood-related but were raised together don't seem to be able to develop romantic emotions for each-other, but girls and boys who are blood related but spent little to no time together while being raised seem to be extremely attracted to each-other. There are even a few occurrences of fathers and daughters experiencing this phenomenon.
This attraction is likely because they have similar chemical make-ups and similar body and face structures. Humans are naturally attracted to people with similar features. This suggests that our attractions and lack there of, may be more mental and have more to do with association than physical compatibility.
2) There is no moral argument against Polygamy. Though... I'm sure it's not healthy to be married to someone who has other wives/husbands.
3) Evil doesn't exist. There are bad people that do bad things for bad reasons, but there is no Evil.

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Liked by: Claret Rimli

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck. if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

He would cut a quarter of a quart of conifer, if you gave him a quarter for every quart he cut.

Hi, Skep. My name's victor, and i've recently come out to my parents about being an Atheist. I now live with my brother because my step father assaulted me over it, and my mother has shunned me. I'm not sure what i should do. I miss my family.

Wow. I'm sorry to hear that...
It's important that you live the way you want. If you want to chose your family over being openly secular, that's up to you.
But if your family is willing to attack you for simply not believing, it may be best that you don't spend time with them.

If the religious freedom act was replaced with a business freedom act (freedom for any business to refuse service to any person at any time for any reason) would you support that?

I think that any privatly owned business that receives no government money of any kind should be allowed to do business with whomever it wants to and refuse to do business with whomever they want to, no matter how offensive that business relationship or refusal is.
Corporations and chains, however, larger businesses that receive government money and tax-breaks should not be allowed to refuse business with anyone.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

I wanted to ask a question but then I realized I have no penis at all, I`m a girl D: What should I do now!?

Oh man... that's a tough one... I forgot girls have in-ies instead out out-ies.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Hi Armoured Skeptic, could you please tell me the name of the song you play when you "ask the irony police to arrest someone". Btw I love your show man, greeting from Argentina

It's the theme from "What's Happening".

How have you avoided punching your monitor from critiquing (read: destroying) so many Josh Fueruererestein videos?

Josh's work is particularly frustrating... but I have to do it. It's all leading up to something bigger.
He is a terrible person and needs to be taken down.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

What's your best advice on building a youtube audience? How did you become so popular is such a short amount of time?

I have no idea...
I just do what I love.

I hope you don't mind this longer question. I am a junior in high school and a self-proclaimed atheist since about a year ago. I am still made to go to church, although I suspect that my mom may at least know I am at least no longer Christian. Do you have any advice regarding how to tell my family?

There is no perfect answer for this. You will likely get resistance regardless of what you say.
If it's important that your family know, just be honest. Tell them you are skeptical and can't believe something that doesn't convince you.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Do you think you'll get on drunken peasants even though you keep calling TJ obnoxious?

No idea.
It wouldn't be the end of the world if I never work with TJ, but it would be cool to get to put that on my Resume.
I've never said anything about him he hasn't said about himself.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Aside from Atheism, do you have any other strong beliefs/lack of belief?

I don't have any beliefs. I'm a skeptic.
Skeptics only accept paradigms temporarily until they can be disproved and replaced with something that has more evidence to support it.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

are you planning on going on the drunken peasants podcast?

I've contacted the DP an AA accounts and told them I'd be interested in setting something up, but I have not heard anything back.

Do you get offended when people assume you're American? Do you give a shit? Please tell me you don't give a shit.

No, it's not offensive.


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