
Armoured Skeptic

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If we have evolved from similar kind as APES why haven't the other kinds evolved like monkeys

They have evolved, everything has evolved.
Monkeys evolved from a common ancestor of ours. They didn't evolve to be tall and smart like us because they never needed to leave the trees to survive like we did
Liked by: Claret Rimli

well indont want to marry a canadian to be legal lol & follow up question there is a lot of racism here in the USA (bc of trump) anything like that there ?

no. race issues are rare up here
Liked by: Abigail Garcia

You're not even the ArmouredSkeptic to me anymore. The magic is gone and now you're just selling out and being an attention whore showing your face and gf to everyone. Congrats you're not ugly, you're dating jail bait, wow what an accomplishment. barf. unsubbed.

someone's salty

a corporeal sense couldn't you call the collective of humanity god? from the wars to great structures that some have attributed to god, man has built. the collective has even given you a job and set you up with shoe through our collective wisdom so would a singularity be cosidered close to a god?

Well I don't think a collective itself could be a god, but a god could certainly work through a collective in the same way people say "the universe has a plan for me"
Liked by: Claret Rimli

i want to move from USA to Canada.. any tips ?

I'm still in the process of figuring out how that works.
Just like in the USA you can marry a Canadian and get instant citizenship, but you can also apply. The wait can be long...
Liked by: Abigail Garcia

If tomorrow everyone woke up and said "wait a minute, religion is stupid, science is cool!", what would you do for a living?

making movies and reviewing movies.
Liked by: Erik Shinigami

So being from Kingston are you a Maple Leafs fan?

My dad and brothers are, yes.
I stopped following hockey after the last players strike.

Everybody is making New videos now, but I stil wait for the best video (yours) Where is it? Can You promise us a date when You will realese it? (Sry for some poor english)

I released one a week ago. Be patient, I need time to animate and shit.

What are your thoughts on the Apocrypha and the idea that the church picked and chose what books would be the official bible?

I remember when I was in my cult I was told to read the Apocrypha because the evil church left out a lot of God's word.
I tried, its REALLY dull reading. Almost as dull as Numbers.
If the Church was to maintain power it needed a solid bible, and the Apocrypha is filled with useless nonsense that helps nobody.
Liked by: Shinigami

Would it be possible for you to get YMS to do a review on Armoured Media with you? Or go to his channel, either way...holy shit that would be awesome.

He lives on the entire other side of the country though. Either he or I would have to do a shit-ton of traveling to do it.


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