
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Why are some (not all of course) people with depression suicidal at times? Do the chemicals that cause depression, interfere with a person's ability to seek or formulate a solution for the problems that make them suicidal? Just curious on what you think about this problem. Thanks.

That's the problem, depression isn't caused by "problems." There is no solution to getting rid of the pain (aside from medication, diet and exercise) and I suppose the pain gets so intense that it eventually feels like the only escape is death.

Greetings Armoured, I like your videos. Funny and informative. Can I suggest one thing? Making a video about Deepak choopra. Keep up the good job.

Yes, I am sure I will one day.
And I am sure it will get DMCAd

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I noticed you use a lot of Silent Partner music in your videos. Where did you initially hear SP's work - or did you just stumble upon it while looking for royalty-free sounds?

If you look in the YouTube Creator Studio, they have a ton of free music for download. I don't even look at the title or the artist, I organize by style and just pick what fits my needs.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

How would you describe color to a blind person?

I am not sure someone who was born with absolutely no sight could ever really understand it, but you could teach them the concept.
I would get a series of sand paper samples, going from really course to really fine, I would line them up and explain that colour comes in a spectrum, and the same way that sand paper feels different at different densities, so too does colour look different at different wave-lengths.

As a new atheist, and even before, death and the afterlife have scared the hell out of me. Is there something I missed that might help me cope with that unknown (outside of religion) and furthermore, how do you deal with those thoughts? I ask because I have always looked up to your and your reason.

Answering in a video.

About making a religion where you're the god, can I make an image of you flying on a metal banana as the symbol of our church? or do you rather a flying potato?

Aquawu’s Profile PhotoAlefe silva
Why would I want either of those things...?

What advice would you give to someone trying to start a YouTube channel with content similar to yours? As in, how to get noticed, improving content, etc.? (I don't know this site very well, I apologize if I have already sent this.)

Just do what you love. If you do it well, others will love it too.

i may be mistaken, but do you only comment on stupid christian videos? Its just that, there are so many other dumb videos on youtube, many of whom concern other equally silly religious believes, or minsconceptions concerning science, will you ever come around to any of them? ps: i like your clothes

Yeah, I'll debunk any stupid video, when I find one about other subjects I will debunk it.

If it was somehow possible to institute a ban on religion with little to no backlash from the religious community, would you support such a thing? Specifically, a ban meant to remove religious ignorance and the many dangers to humanity that are caused by religion in general.

Even as a hypothetical, this wouldn't work.
People will just worship underground and the extremists would become more extreme.

Do you think it is rational to say that planets moved in orbits because of sun's gravity? Different planets have different distance from sun. If the gravity too strong to pull Neptune, Mercury should be pulled straight to Sun. If its too weak to sustain Mercury's distance, Neptune won't be in orbit.

Mercury is moving really fast and is spinning even faster. That's what counter-acts the gravitational pull.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Why does professional chess players does not necessarily able to think logically in non-chess related matters?

Chess is a veeeeeery specific skill. Being good at chess/strategy does not necessarily mean one is good at rational thinking.

I feel like cognitive independent thinking was never meant to happen with these weird flesh bone bags we have around us. i can feel my skull. why did this happen? this seems really weird, like intelligence shouldn't have evolved beyond animals groups. when does a group become a tribe? help!!!!

Nothing was ever MEANT to happen. It just happened.
You are a meat-robot. You'll be fine.

I too am a skeptical minded person and I would really like to know what are the main evidence or facts that have lead you to having a lack of belief in God? I feel the same way but you clearly are well versed on this subject and I would love to hear what lead you to your conclusions

No, you misunderstand, it's that there is a LACK of evidence.
It doesn't help that the bible is full of lies, contradictions and nonsense, but that alone doesn't disprove a god, it just shows that the Christian/Jewish god is a liar.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

I was asked a question that i really didn't know how to answer, and upon looking on google i wondered if you could possibly give me a clearer answer. Someone asked why we date things by B.C. and A.D. if jesus hasn't been proven to exist. I was wondering if you could help me with an answer to this as

Because that's the Roman calendar and we've kept it up ever-since.
Though we are about 2-months off.

Would you say social justice ideologues are a bigger threat these days than biblical creationists? I don't see any creationists dominating any mainstream media narratives or trying to restrict people's freedom (Some of them probably would do or try this but they never succeed anymore far as I know)

It's hard to tell, it's comparing apples and oranges. Extreme Right and Extreme Left.
SJW tend to want to defeat the religious-right as-well, for the most part... so I'd love to say they are allies, but both sides want to restrict freedoms.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

Do you think amidst any kind of atheist infighting (Superior enlightened atheists vs the sewer C.H.U.D's, stuff like that) Creationists sit back and laugh at all of it?

No, I don't think they trouble their-selves with our issues.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Have you got the new helmet I sent you? Now that you've almost reached 6 figures your head won't fit in the old one for much longer.

Once I hit 100,000 subs my head won't even fit through the door.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Is it okay to feel bad for muslims? In the sense that when I learn the horrifying truths of their ideology I feel bad for educated people who were raised muslim and are sympathetic to islamic groups because of it. it would suck to know your mom and dad subscribe to a belief that messed up.

Yes, ultimately most of them are victims to their circumstance. But a deluded victim is capable of being just as dangerous as an educated psychopath.


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