
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Do you like the comedian Bill Hicks (if you've ever heard of him that is)?

He was decent. I never found him to be extremely funny, but I enjoyed a couple of his routines. If you're referring to his philosophy about "the ride" that is life, I found it to be an interesting concept but I see no reason to believe it is based on any sort of legitimate truth.

How do you deal with the morality bit that Christians fling at you? You know, you can't be moral without Christianity, that claim. Whenever I get done, whoever I'm debating tells me I'm gonna burn in hellfire damnation for all of eternity, as if a vacation scares me. I'd prefer they leave thinking.

Sicurri’s Profile PhotoSicurri
Christians who say "Morality comes from God" often forget the extremely immoral stuff that he ordered and did in the Old Testament that no Christian would be OK with today.
If their morality comes from god, why does their moral-standard not reflect that of god's?

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Do you happen to grow maize? It would be really cool if one of my favorite YT personalities could also answer some questions from an agricultural perspective (rather than a laboratory perspective) relating to my new research, the maize rhizosphere microbiome.

No, I only grow hay.

Every time I attempt to start a youtube channel, I begin to stress out about every little detail about my videos and what people are going to think about them. Do you have any advice on how to just not give a shit about what the viewers will think?

Yes... stop giving a shit what other people think...

What editing software do you use for your videos and how long does one of your videos usually take to edit?

Cheap bottom-of-the-line Sony Movie Studio.
Roughly 10 hours to edit the sound and animation.

What are views on Athiesm in the east? How do you think western liberalism can help? Is Atheism , scepticism and a little bit of liberalism really the way to progress in societies like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc Sorry I'm rambling xD. Just send my love to the world of atheism from Pakistan :D

I like my liberalism in small doses. I think even just a little bit could destroy Pakistan right now... Maybe just less crazy right-wing mentality would be a good start.

If there ever were an entity responsible for biogenesis, evolution would still be a more "intelligent design" than "intelligent design". What do you think of this argument and would it be of any help in a debate with a creationist?

It would work against someone who believes the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, but most "creationists" don't believe in the young-earth hypothesis.

This is a bit of an odd question, but considering the horrible arguments regarding Stalin and his "atrocities in the name of atheism" (so tired of hearing this one), what are your thoughts on the League of the Miltant Godless (League of the Miltant Atheists, as some know it).

Militant Atheists are obnoxious... but sometimes necessary.

What are your thoughts on Aliens and hidden advanced technology, people also say that the government is 20 years ahead in terms of technology. what is your opinion? and If such technology were revealed to humans, would they be overwhelmed by the truth. Also, are you for or against weed legalization?

Depends on what you mean by "aliens"
No, maybe 5 years TOPS, but more-likely 2 years ahead of us in the military.
Too many questions, NEXT!

Do you think that certain scientific truths should be suppressed or even banned if they may cause a change in society? For example what if they figured out (which the evidence is already pointing to) that pedophilia was something that you are born with. Should that scientific truth be suppressed?

Sometimes the truth sucks... some people can't handle the truth and need to live in their safe snow-flake bubble.
Your question is "Should truth supersede Societal stability?" and I don't know if I can answer that. This is why I am not a political activist.
I think the truth is important and we should always speak the truth and share the truth.. but is it worth the possibility of a crumbling society...? ARG
Ok, I give up, next question.

What is your opinion on Psychology and it's many different branches?

There is a lot of good science behind psychology, but there is a lot of nonsense coming from psychologists.
Some people go as far as to say that social-sciences employ a lot of hokum, which is somewhat true.
It's one of those fields that isn't strict on the scientific method, which leads to a lot of problems.

Hey skeptic, I'm here about the mermaids again. My friends primary evidence was video evidence from YouTube which I refuted saying that it is very easy with the right lighting and poor camera quality to produce a hoaxed video. Also when I said I don't believe in mermaids they said I had to prove why

I've seen those videos, they're fake as shit.
You don't have to prove why you disbelieve something, if someone wants you to believe something that you don't believe it's their failure, not yours.
Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

A relative of mine thinks that all the information that is proposed for evolution could also show evidence for other "undiscovered" theories. He feels there is a group think mentality in science right now. What would be your response to such a claim? Because I think his skepticism is unneeded?

He's somewhat right, but that's why we have theories... They are the idea that has the most evidence backing it up.
If his hypothesis turns out to be true then it will become the next theory.

A student at my public school recently got written up for useing God's name in vain. Is it legally ok for the teacher to do this? ((I've already asked this question, but im just adding a few details and correcting it))

I'm not super familiar with bible-belt laws...

For some reason I still hold onto a faith in God. But I can't be religious. Does that make me a deist? Or am I nuts?

It's not crazy to believe in god, it's just crazy to believe in the Abrahamic god... and a lot of the others.
Liked by: Emilia Jack Boro

Do you personally believe in aliens? (some form of intelligent life in the universe). The seems to be no direct evidence, yet people still believe this as if its a fact.

It is a statistical impossibility for Earth to be the only home of any kind of life.
As for INTELLIGENT alien life, that's a different question. There is no way of knowing for sure, but judging on how big the universe is it's possible if not likely.

Do you know any other youtubers besides TheBibleReloaded ?

I don't know any personally; not even bible reloaded. I share mutual respect with a lot of them.
Too many to name though.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Is there anything a NEET can do for the Armoured media group? Anything other than just donating, I mean doing backgrounds or other stuff

I dunno. I like to design my own art and intros/outros. I take great satisfaction in being an artist.
The only thing I can't do is design a modern website. I only know how to code in HTTP.
I'm already paying someone to do that though.

Do you like comic books, if so whats your favorite character?

I like a lot of the characters and I own a few specific story-lines, but I am not really a huge fan, no.
I have always preferred the feature-film renditions.
My fave, in order.
Colossus (X-Men)
Spider Man.
Iron Man
Liked by: Emilia


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