
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Your science research for videos aside, looking at these answers, you seem to have quite a few hobbies and even by your words play video games "too much". What's your day job? How many work hours you have weekly? You seem to be quite the productive guy. What's your secret for that?

I can't say what I do for a living for privacy reasons, but I work a 40 hour week like most people.
I don't know how I fit it all in, but you gotta make time for what you love.

How do you keep from going insane when you are working on a review and you have to watch those videos over and over again?

I get asked that a lot.
I don't know. By the time my video is up on YouTube I can't bare to watch it again...
But usually I find the stuff I debunk funny. At-least at first.

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Nothing beats firing up my youtube via my gaming console and going through my "Secular" subscription videos. What other secular youtubers do you enjoy, and how important is humor for your enjoyment of them?

I can't name them all, but Logicked, dgeyson and porholer all taught me that you can be informative and funny at the same time.

This is unrelated to religion, more for character development: Do you think two people can end their relationship peacefully, without those awkward/angry feelings that come with it, never be friends again, while at the same time regret nothing of their time spent together?

As possible as it sounds, no, it's not possible.
There will always be a little something left over and that something can turn to poison in your belly.

How difficult was it to go from a religious childhood to what you are and believe in now, and what words if any do you have to say to encourage other people in situations similar to what you were?

It was hard, but not because my family didn't support me. I never cared what they thought.
The hard part was letting go of the fear of Hell. I was an atheist for a year before I let go of that fear.

I have the unpopular position in the Atheist community that the Abrahamic god is not real. I just cannot think how that god could possibly ever exist with all the contradictions. Though I do believe there may be some god. My question is out of all the gods in history which could most likely be true?

I don't think any of them are true.
I agree that it's not impossible that a god of some sort exists and was in some way involved in our creation, but there is no way that this hypothetical god has introduced himself to us the way that any of our religions proposes that he has.
Liked by: Debora Urban

Would evidence for the Christian God be sufficient to convert you to Christianity, or would you abstain from worshiping a God as contemptuous as Yahweh? Embrace damnation with me.

If it were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the xtian god exists I would worship him, yes.
An eternity of endless boredom sounds better than an eternity of endless pain.

i watched the video of how the Armoured Skeptic was born and have a better understanding of what you do. I haven't seen a bio that explains your education. What gives you the credibility to refute these Xtian claims?

I'm just a geek who likes to study philosophy and science. I have no real credentials.

What takes the most time in creating your videos?

Recording and editing the sound... but sometimes the animation takes a really long time too, depending on how glitchy it is.

Would you make more content with other youtubers (Logicked, Atticus, Girly etc)?

I work closely with other YouTubers all the time, but I don't know if you'll see me actually featured in anyone-else's work. I just have so much on my plate now.

Did you study science in college? Your knowledge is impressive. :)

I didn't get a degree in science though. It's always been a hobby-passion, not a career interest.

How long does it take to animate sir skeptalot (idk how to spell it) for your videos?

Depending on the video... 5 - 15 hours.

What do you consider the most compelling and least compelling arguments for God?

1) We can't know if he doesn't exists.
2) We can't know if he does exist.

do you only intend to tackle religious stupidity or are you going to take on other stupid people and there claims like the anti-vaccine camp and anti-gmo loons. heck taking on food babe would be a entertaining video

Yes, I will be taking on other stuff... when I feel more confident in my knowledge of that stuff.

Do you enjoy stand-up? Who are your favorite comedians?

I don't find it as funny as I used to. I prefer situational comedy because it's easier to subvert my expectations that way.

I find that religion has become a weakness of humanity, so do you think that secularization is possible only trough better education?

Secularization will always increase and our education system will play a role in that.
But there will always be people who refuse to believe science and will shield their kids from it and that will perpetuate down the generations.

Are you studying anything at the moment?

Right now I am trying to get a better understating of physics.
I am not doing well with the math, but I am getting a lot better at grasping the principles the math describes.

how do u tell your parents that your a agnostic

If you don't want to share your personal beliefs you don't have to. I am not one who thinks we need to share every little aspect of our psyche with everyone.
But if you feel you need to, just come to them and tell them that you are not sure you believe in a god because there is no way to know for sure he exists.
You're probably asking because you're worried about the backlash, I understand. There is no way to tell family you don't believe what they believe without hurting their feelings... you're just going to have to roll those dice.
My advice though, don't be a dick about it. Be honest, sincere and respectful. Make sure you don't make it seem like you're judging their beliefs.

When did you decide to start making Youtube videos?

I had been making videos of all sorts on all sorts of channels over the years for fun. Nothing like the AS stuff though.
This particular channel just happened to get popular, so I stuck with it and it evolved into what you see today.

Would you consider yourself a Humanist?

I'm not really sure.
I am an egalitarian in the purest sense, but I find that my ideals of equality do not usually match those of the social-justice community.
The humanist society has very specific goals in mind and I have never really spent much time trying to obtain their goals.

I heard another "proof" that no god can exist, and i also would like to read your opinion about it : "God was eaten by a god-eating penguin. Either you can disprove this penguin existence (and therefore apply the same reasonning to god), or your god is not eternal. Both way god is no god.".

BellaicheAdrien’s Profile PhotoBellaiche Adrien
Well, that's more of a "gotcha" and even though the point of it is that you can't prove a god exists it is not an intellectually honest approach to making that point.

So you see all kinds of information from different sources on the Internet, and from all different angles of an argument. What I wanna know is, how can I tell when I'm looking at reliable information?

That's not always easy.
That's why I always look for other sources to corroborate the information I see.
Look for articles on recognized scientific journals or websites and always, always, ALWAYS take what they say with a grain of salt.
Liked by: Debora Urban

How would you go about explaining you're an atheist when everyone that surrounds you is a Christian?

I am not one of those people who thinks you should need to go around telling everyone you're an atheist. Your personal beliefs don't need to be anyone's business but your own.
If you find yourself in a situation where you have to explain you don't believe something, just be honest that you're not convinced that there is a god.
Liked by: Debora Urban


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