
Armoured Skeptic

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Have you heard of 'The Timing Experiments of Libet and Grey Walter'? I think it shows that we maybe don't have a free will in the way we think, or maybe at all. Any thoughts?

That's basically what I've been saying this whole time...
Our meat-robot brain does all the reasoning and deciding, and the part of our brain that we call our "Consciousness" is really just the part of the brain that justifies each decision and filters it. We have almost no control over our thoughts at-all.

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What are your PC specs and equipment?

I'm waiting for the new AMD video card line to come out. Once that happens I'll post my specs.
Right now I'm just using a shitty laptop.

There is this trend that has been going on for quite a while now that if someone says they're underpaid everybody tells them to go look for better payed jobs. They even get called self-entitled and/or lazy. Is there any chance that people would snap out of this shitty herd thinking any soon?

IvanoviciVlad’s Profile PhotoVlad
Well, it's a bad economy with a lot of un-employment. If an employer CAN pay someone less, they WILL pay someone less.
I think the mentality is coming from the idea "You should be happy you are even employed at-all"
I can't say I fully disagree with this mentality, because there are a lot of people struggling.
Now, if what you're referring to is the minimum-wage debate... that's a different discussion.
I think it would be awesome if the minimum wage were higher, but I fear that raising the minimum wage will further alienate smaller businesses, causing them to fail, and further enticing large corporations to hire less people and hire illegal aliens.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

What are your thoughts on Quebec sovereignty?

I wish Quebec wanted to be part of Canada, I love the French-Canadian culture and want them to stay.
BUT, if Quebec decides to recede, I won't stop them. As-long as they do it legally.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Why do you think anarchism is destined to fail?

Because without a government, the mob would rule.
I am not a huge fan of government, but we need at-least a bare-bones structure that does not have their own interests in-mind.

Do you think you spend too much time online? If not then what are you usually do ?

Yes, I do spend too much time online.
I'm usually doing other things and checking my phone for tweets and facebook posts and new YouTube videos.
I also spend too much time talking to my followers... lol
Usually, when not online, I am working on art, music, riding my horse or doing general chores or projects around the house. Anything creative.

this question might sound weird (idk it sounds weird to me), but i was wondering how old do you think most of your viewers are?

I'm betting the majority of them are between 14 and 18.
But I know I have viewers as young as 9 (bad parents - tisk tisk :p) and as old as 80.

Will you debunk another wazooloo (Ian Juby) video in the future? Or are you afraid he will bore you to death again?

He's got a lot of gold to dig up. He has like 4 or 5 seasons of his show, so I am sure I will do another one.

On your latest video under the helmet 2 the song that starts playing the second the video starts. What in the world is its name? It sounds soooo goood.

Cold Rise by Gunnar Olsen.
Listen to it loud with really good headphones on. Trust me, you won't regret it!
Liked by: Jack Boro

Do you think 4.5 billion years is enough time for the whole evelotion process.. I think earth is older than that. CAN u do a video on the virtual reality world believers..

I think the world is older than that too, but our current understanding of data says 4.5 so that's what we use.
I think it is more than enough time.

Is there a difference between these statements: "There is no God." And "I don't believe God exists."?

Yes. The first is a positive statement making a definite assertion.
The second is a rejection of a positive statement.
Liked by: Vlad Claret Rimli

Have you ever deconverted anyone and is it worth spending time trying to deconvert people?

Apparently I have...
Just keep speaking the truth and destroying lies and if you do it well enough than people willing to listen may change their mind.
Liked by: Claret Rimli


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