
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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I know you got your audience from debunking Crazy Christian videos, but I've been really enjoying your videos where you debunk BS Science (the Flat Earth and Fake Moon videos) Plus it's pretty entertaining listening to you talk about science. You present it in a very digestible way

Thanks a lot
I'm having fun poking the new-age and alt-science crowd.

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I thought you 2 only got together recently? Where is that 2009 photo coming from?

That was cropped. It was in the corner of our Cringe reaction vid.

Do you think women biology makes them want the sperm of a hot man, but the father of their children a puppy like nice guy? The hot guy has no reason to stay with them(he can get others) the puppy guy gets access to a hotter woman than him. Like the song "One man in my head, one man in my bed".

No, women want both... but some are too impatient so they just pick 2 men instead.
Liked by: Dale Williamson

So I've heard you describe Atheism-Plus as having its own metaphorical "Kool-aid." I know A+ is infamous for its Feminist indoctrination, but how exactly do they go about getting people to drink it? I'm gonna guess by browbeating people.

Liked by: Cristopher Garzon

Hey, if you actually own the Helmet could you do me a Favor and Tale some Front and Side View Photo's of it and send them to my twitter "@James_ApppleMan"

I'm too lazy
steal screen caps from Knight at the Movies
Liked by: Nuvey

Will you ever do a 911 conspiracy debunk or anything on antivax?

I want to but my knowledge is not to par with the truthers yet


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