
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Love your videos and this is kind of a weird and random question but, how are you? How are things in your day to day? Also, i love all of your projects, however, i do hope that you are not overbooking yourself with so many plans and ideas.

LazarusJack’s Profile PhotoCogito ergo sum
Well, I would be lying if I said everything was perfect. I have a lot of stresses in my life.
But I make time for the good stuff, like YouTube.

do you have a tattoo

No. I want one, but every time I think of something I like, I can't make up my mind if I want it over another design.
I am too indecisive about whether I want one design or another.
Liked by: Emilia

Hey Sir Skeptalot, I had something on my mind. Whenever talking about the origin of life, how come nobody ever brings up the Miller-Urey Experiment, which replicated the conditions of Earth after if first formed and proved that organic materials can be created from inorganic materials? I just got to

I talked about it in one of my videos.
It is only a proof of concept. It doesn't prove that it DID happen, only that it could have happened that way.

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Does the idea of the heat death of the universe ever scare you? I'd to stop watching the trey Hart video cause you filled me with a deep existential terror.

No, because it won't happen for billions, if not trillions of years from now.
Man-Kind will be long-gone before that happens.

Do you hold any beliefs you realise are irrational but hold on to for fear of the alternative?

Well... no. But there are beliefs I refuse to speak about because they are illegal to talk about.

Hi, I love your videos, just wondering (sorry if it's been asked before) why do you use an armored man in a suit for your kind of 'voice'? And also, was it inspired by atheism is unstoppable? Or did he come out after you? Thanks :D

I'm not really sure what you mean when you say my "kind of voice..."
I am a medieval geek and it's a reference to the Armour of God.

Dear Armored skeptic, As a man of armor i would love your opinion on the shield vs sword debate. Or rather Offense vs Defense. Which is better in a battle the impenetrable shield or the sword that can pierce anything? Is Offense the best defense? Or is Defense the best offense?

I prefer defense.
Use your enemies weight and actions against them. Let them dig themselves into a grave of lies, inconsistencies/contradictions and hypocritical acts. Then all you have to do is hit them when they're down by pointing out that their entire argument and reasoning is flawed beyond repair.
You don't have to "win" an argument, you just have to prove that your opponent is incorrect.

don't know if anyone have asked this already but: you said you're canadian. do you like hockey?

I like to watch the occasional game, usually follow the Olympics and international tournaments and I play sometimes.
I don't really like the NHL though. I'm not really into professional sports in-general.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

If you were president what would be your first few acts in office (maybe first 10 =D)

Cody Hawk Caster
Chocolate Milk Fountains in the Cafeteria! WOOOO SKEPTALOT FOR CLASS PRESIDENT!!!
I don't know my first act, but I would make sure that all religious imagery and wording be removed from anything that is government related.
I would also make sure churches get taxed and change the way the rich are taxed so the infrastructure could be repaired or re-built, which would create thousands of jobs.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

What are your thoughts on some states in the US not allowing Atheists in state legislature?

Isn't there supposed to be religious freedom in the US?
Liked by: Marina Swanson

I have always wondered if I am allowed to walk away from an argument in a certain situation, as in, I don't have to convince them of a fact. "Water is wet." 'No its not, science says that..." 'Good bye' Something like that. I wanted to know from you because you seem to be an authority on this.

It depends on what you want out of the debate.
Do you want to be right? Do you want to convince someone of something?
But yes, once someone hits a point of intellectual dishonesty and blatantly lies or contradicts themselves it may be best to walk away, because you can't win a fight against someone who is dishonest.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

Hey, as there's more than enough info (especially nowadays) to make a religious position obsolete, nonetheless the number of people who hold onto their faith is gigantic. It makes we wonder if perhaps as a person who experience the transition: psychologically, what made the difference for you?

My religiously-minded former-self was more afraid of hell and death than he was interested in truth.
The bible has a lot of stuff that keeps you thinking and reasoning, but trapped in a bubble.
The sad truth is, the bible itself is what convinced me that the god of the bible didn't exist.
I decided to re-read it a couple years ago. I got into the third book and put it down, deciding all the rules were just there to oppress those under the rule of the priest-class and if I were to make an oppressive hierarchy I would do it the same way, but less transparent.
Liked by: Laneta viktorija

Has anyone you made a video about ever reacted by admitting they made something dumb?

No. Never even admitted a mistake.
Usually they double-down on the insanity.

I laughed so much that my stomach hurt when you did the "Theist hat" bit in your Kkortez video. I realise that this is pretty linked to Kkortez "Atheist hat", but still, woul you consider making the Theist hat a regular feature? It is a funny way to mark recurring (fallacious) theist arguments.

It's been so long though, I am not sure people would remember the call-back.

Who is your favorite creationist? Or to elaborate a bit, who do you think is the most ridiculous creationist, whose points are so crazy that you actually kinda like him? My favorite is Feuerstein, he's points are such a cliche that seeing his logic getting destroyed by you is an absolute treat!

Feuerstein is hilarious, but he is also intentionally intellectually dishonest to trick people into supporting him, which makes him an asshole.
Kent Hovind is my fave because he has a certain... je-ne-c'est-quoi to his presentation style that just brings a smile to my face.

Personal question: Do you think it's okay to support the (unnecessary) imposition of suffering and/or death upon sentien beings? (For reasons of pleasure, convenience or habit for example.) Or asked in another way: Do you buy meat?

Wow... talk about a loaded question.
First of all, you'll have to prove that chickens and fish are sentient... because they are not socially considered as such.
Second of all, I am not against eating meat, but I am against the current practices of factory-farming facilities.

My Bio teacher is obviously a christian creationist but it is required by law that she teach evolution thus she does the whole "teach the controversy" thing. Should I call her out on that and say that if she teaches the controversy for one creation story then she must do every creation story?

Start with Specifics. Tell her you believe Krishna spit the universe out of his mouth and you'd like her to teach the controversy over that.

G'day from Australia. Love your videos, How is the best way of having discussions with people who are fundamentally Christian without inciting an argument. the in-laws are deeply religious and they seem to need to inject religion into every conversation regardless and they hate that i'm atheist.

Yeah, that's a tough one...
If you insist on countering their religiously-based opinions with reason-based opinions you are going to start a disagreement at some point.
The best thing to do is act as if you respect their point of view and insist they at-least understand yours with respect.

What are your favorite and least favorite movies? I saw you said you like Quentin Tarantino, so maybe it's better to ask: what's your favorite and least favorite movie by him?

My fave Tarantino movie is Inglorious Bastards
Least fave Tarantino is Kill Bill Prt 2.

Have you considered recolouring your sideways-facing helmet image so it matches your forward-facing one? Would you accept one if it was sent to you? Have you had any sent to you yet? I'm going to send you one (maybe, if I get around to it).

It's not miscoloured, the lighting has created different shading.
I't not a problem, I like it this way.

There was this Christian page on Facebook who said that science was meant to be observable, measurable and repeatable, and that Evolution did not match up to these three things and therefore was not science. How would you respond?

It's observable, though the fossil-record and lab-tests.
It's measurable, through... lots of shit. Fur, skin, size, length, not to mention the ability to reproduce and loosing that ability through speciation.
It's repeatable as-in we can repeat the tests and get the same results.
Yes, you can't re-create a million-year long process in a lab experiment. That does not mean it doesn't follow those rules.

Do you mind when you sneeze and someone says, "God bless you!" or you do something and someone says it? Or do you not mind? I'm just curious.

It's pretty much a cultural norm. It doesn't even mean anything.
Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

I'm technically a theist, my reasoning for that would be the fact that I believe the Multiverse theory to be true. At least as far as educated guesses go. So in a conceivably infinite amount of universes there should be a "God" or "gods" in one, if not more of those universes. Am I misinterpreting?

It's not impossible. But it depends on what you mean by a 'god.'
If you mean a being that is capable of creating universes, then he/she would have to exist outside of the universe that he/she created.
But then you come to the question, where did this 'god' come from? Did he/she evolve from an animal in his/her universe?

Do you believe Christian apologists who claim they used to be convinced atheists (as in they were absolutely sure that God does not exist)?



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