
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Why are diamonds still overpriced as fuck when they're actually valueless pieces of shit?

They are worth what people are willing to pay.
Liked by: Emilia

Is there a schedule you try to keep in production of videos? (Certain number a month? Certain amount of work on a video or videos a week? Etc) or is it a matter of you work on them when you can between hobbies work social and any other time consuming tasks or activities?

Ocazzar’s Profile PhotoOcazzar
I don't have an exact schedule. You try to fit a creative mind in a box like that and you kill it's ability to be creative. Gotta let the juices flow!
I do, however, try to make one debunk video per month, one Under the Helm vid per month and also, on-top of that, one bad movie review per month.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

Is Eric Hovind a true believer or a guy who knows where the money is?

I think daddy brainwashed the hell out of him. Which couldn't have been too hard... he has a tiny cranium.
The real question is: "Is Kent a true believer" and I think he is... sadly.

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I've recently read that a Vatican Diplomat has proposed that the Church must 'strengthen its commitment to evangelisation' after the Irish Referendum on Gay Marriage. How do you feel about this? Do you think that this is a start to the Church trying to gain more power again?

Maybe, but I doubt they will manage to tighten their grip.
They're just flailing, kicking and screaming, upset that one of their old companions no-longer follows them blindly.
The Catholic Church is showing how benign their power really is.

Would alot of the middle-eastern problems resolve themselves if the USA stopped constantly interfering? Obviously, it hasn't worked in the past.

Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of America's current Foreign-Policy and Practices.
Things in the Middle East would likely be worse if the US pulled out of the Middle east right now.

What kind of horses do you have?

I have a Belgian Draft Horse.
My wife has a Clydesdale-Quarter Horse mix.

Helloe there, I'm an atheist that does make an education to become a chruch musician...some say it's somehow a paradox. Even, I don't believe in god or any kind of religion, I just like playing the organ and like it, to make the people happy for having a musically support. What do you think?

To be honest, the Organ is a dying instrument, so whatever it takes to get an organ job, do it! We need more Organists!

Love your work!!! I have a friend that her and her family considers themselves "king james Grace followers". They don't consider themselves "religious" because they don't have a preacher asking for money. My question is, can this be possible considering they use the bible and praise god?

Yes. Religion is technically the system, not the belief.
If they don't have a preacher or a congregation they're technically not religious.
But, from the perspective of an atheist, it's not really a distinction that means anything to us.

What do you think about children who always ask "why"?

Its cute... at first.
But if I get the feeling that they're not absorbing the answers or they're not even trying to figure it out for themselves, then I'll brush them off.
It's good to be inquisitive though.
Liked by: Emilia

Have you considered delving into the realm of dunking political and societal idiocy and other nonsense through your other endeavors? Take on some of the big issues of the day, other than religious topics? Big fan of your show by the way!

Yes, certainly, which is the point of my "under the helmet" series.
I think if I get enough interest I will do proper debunks of other types of videos.

From a political view, what do you think is the best way to battle pro-theocratic ( Christian, Muslim, or any other) arguments in a modern government?

With logic and facts.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Out of all the arguments theists use to justify their belief in God (pascal's wager, argument from personal incredulity, etc) which do you find to be the most convincing or most idiotic?

That's like asking "What shit do you find the least shitty?"
I find absolutly none of them intellectually convincing. The reason I, and many others, were ever convinced was because of the appeals to emotion and appeals to fear the idea of the after-life drummed up in our little heads.

I see you mention that you dislike religious people more than religion and we disagree on this. What do you think of the idea that religious people are just following what their religion dictates by the indoctrination that they are put though? Doesn't this make the religion worse that the person?

Perhaps we have a chicken and the egg situation here, religion is comprised of it's people. A religion is the people of the religion. The religion is used for good and used for bad BY it's people. The religion is just a superstition, the people who employ it's more obscure tenants are the bad people.

If you could have a conversation with Einstein, what would you say/ask? I'm really, really curious, because you're really, really smart.

Einstein is magnitudes smarter than me. I would just want to ask him about how he imagines the universe and see if it matches up with what we think today. We would be talking in mostly abstracts, I'm sure.
Liked by: Emilia Liam Fay

If you ever think you're not awesome, just read the "Do you like to paint/write/do anything related to art in your free time?" question, because damn dude.. that is awesome.

Liked by: Emilia

Do you like to paint/write/do anything related to art in your free time? I would also like to thank you. People with such a love for learning inspire me and motivate me harder to study and gather knowledge myself. In my country, atheists are labelled as mad men or worse.

Yes, I paint, play guitar and piano, I am writing/drawing a graphic novel, I make movies and do photography.

Do u not like all religious people or just ones who hate science?

Religious people who keep to themselves are just fine by me. I like them a lot!
People who deny science and try to push nonsense into our schools and government can get fucked.
Liked by: Emilia Omega Tyrant

Are you going to do some content on modern day feminism since its such a controversial Subject :?

I am not going to do a proper video on it, no.
Two reasons.
1) There are lots of people out there who are better educated on the subject making much better videos than I could.
2) Faminism tore the Atheist community in two and it has not been the same since. I'm trying to bring Atheist content back to where it was before the schism, which includes making content both Fems and non-fems can enjoy.
I would love to express my opinion on it, but sadly there are too many people out there who have an emotional attachment to their opinions and expressing evidence that detracts from their opinions will prompt a negative emotional response.
I've already received a LOT of negative feedback from people crying that I don't agree with them or that I "support" Sargon, despite the fact that I have not once said ANYTHING about feminism, good or bad.

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Which of the people who have addressed so far has felt the most misinformed (potentially, most 'idiotic')?

He literally just makes things up, imagines things and mashes them in with the nonsense Kent Hovind used to teach and spews it like its fact.


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