
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Would you ever consider traveling to Norway?

yes. I have a friend there an quite a few fans
but I doubt it will any time soon. maybe a few years from now
Liked by: Emilia brvchkv

Is your answer to that "world in the year 3000" question genuine? Because I have very little faith in humanity remaining civilized in the distant future.

100% genuine
but it's less about society and more about the world being dead and incapable of harboring life

A Roman walks into a bar and asks for a Martinus. "You mean a martini?" the bartender asks. The Roman replies, "If I wanted a double, I would have asked for it!" Good one eh?

Yeah, not bad

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What do you think about parallel universes? Do you believe in them? If love is the most powerful force in the universe, could love in one universe affect love in another universe? Perhaps gravity is the weakest force in our universe, because it comes from a distant universe and seeps into ours.

mathmatically its possible but i doubt it.
I've heard that but it makes no sense.
gravity is the weakest force because it's a byproduct, or a result of something, unlike the others.
that love shit and the ending if interstellar made me want to gouge my eyes out. the rest of the movie was sweet though.

What do you think of this: I have always wanted to have my organs and tissues to be donated when I die. Then I got married. Now I want to be cremated and have my ashes mixed with my husband's so that we are together forever. I know it's silly and irrational. Why I am suddenly being irrational?

love makes you do crazy things

what is your opinion on cultural appropriation and cultures mixing. are they the same or different

same thing mostly
nothing wrong with emulating things you like about other cultures as long as you're doing it as a celebration if that culture

Do have any gaming systems? Or do you have any other ways to contact fans, because talking to you would be amazing. And also, have you ever seen A Serbian Film? I heard a song from it in your latest vid.

WassupBro_69’s Profile PhotoChappy Moore
I have a ps3 and a pc and I had a wiiu, will get a new one eventually.
Facebook private message, though I get so many I can only get to so many.
yes, one if the edited cuts. I love that song from it.

Listening to your 100,000 subs vid again. You say you have a dark sense of humour, can you give us an example? Ever heard of Frankie Boyle from the UK? He has some of the darkest humour i've ever seen, but hes great.

I think it's best I don't share it on here.
maybe in some sketches when I get armoured media up and running

Recently You've misinterpreted all of my genuine questions as offensive or something. Have troll anons on here lessened your benefit of the doubt for everybody else?

have I or was I joking...?

What would cuckanda do if I shat on your flag, eh ?

Probably throw it out... get a new one.
we don't have emotional attachments to pieces of fabric
Liked by: Claret Rimli

What country in Oceania would you most like to vist.? What country in Europe would you most like to vist.? What country in Asia would you most like to vist.? What country in Africa would you most like to vist.? What country in South America would you most like to vist.?

subject to change, but right now im most interest in seeing:
New Zealand
Liked by: Nørdic Nikølai

If you have your own TV show what would it be call and would be about?

Armoured skeptic is a young detective, down on his luck.
just when he thinks life can't get any worse he finds out his parner got transfered and he is now saddled up with a new partner. but she's not your normal cop, she's a female dog and she has attitude.
it's skeptic and bitch, coming this fall

Have you ever considered going through the entirety of the bible, line by line, and doing a "debunk" video on all of it. Would certainly give you plenty of extra content to cover.

WIWWM’s Profile PhotoKyle Dobbert
you want me to do exactly what bible Reloaded does?
Liked by: Nørdic Nikølai

I would like to make a video with you and Sargon and TL;DR where I take sound bytes from some of your videos and mesh them together. Would you have an issue with this? It'll be mostly me, but some clips from your stuff and theirs will be in it as well.

as long as you don't take me out of context to say something terrible it's fine
Liked by: Nørdic Nikølai

love your videos skeptilot, my question for you is a hypothetical. The world has been thrown back to the dark ages, anyone that does not believe in god is being burned at the stake as a heretic, do you conform for the sake of survival or do you burn with your ideology intact?

I don't have an ideology
the reason people let themselves get tortured to death was because they believed the Catholic Church would send them to hell and that if they held their protestent/pegan beliefs they would go to heaven
why would I fight the power if it only shortened my life?
I would do it if it ensured someone I loved would live instead.


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