
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Yo skeptalot. You seem like a really reasonable and smart fellow so I was wondering do you have any good relationship advice? (For example, how did you meet and start dating Shoe?) I'm really feeling discouraged.

Just be yourself, bro
the best I can say is be patient. wait to find someone who likes you for who you are.
put yourself out there. meet people. be social. you'll hit it off with some eventually

Just saw your new video on Armoured Media with June about Star Wars. I know this kind of irrelevant but what do you think of the Star Wars prequels?

Hate Ep 1. I hate Ep 2 even more... but I watch them at least once a year.
Ep 3 is the best of the three but it is still riddled with so many problems it gets frustrating to watch.
fingers crossed for Jj Abrams
Liked by: Erik

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What is your opinion on James Gate theory about reality with probably we live in a simulated reality? I.E. our reality is like the film "The Matrix" when our brain is stimulated with artificial stimuli

it's a fun hypothesis but solipsism is not my thing
Liked by: Claret Rimli

will you still include a clip of you dying of laughter after hearing a ridiculous comment in future videos like you did in gibberish part 1 and nut at the museum?

Maybe. it has to fit the tone of the video
Liked by: Claret Rimli

I want to find a girl who will dress me up in a maid outfit and kick me in the nuts. I don't know anyone who would do it though, what should I do?

I'm sure if you scour the Internet you'll find a woman who will do this for you

Would you ever seriously consider doing some sort of regular podcast with June and Sargon, your celebration hangout with them was awesome and the first video of yours I ever watched.

but their time is just as valuable as mine and it would have to be mutually beneficial for all three of us to make it happen.
maybe one day.

Why don't you include links to the original video in your description? (or am I blind and just can't see any link)

I used to but then I had subscribers harassing the owner of the original video. one guy even had his channel removed.
I don't think that necessary

I read a comment on one of your vids that said something like "Stop trying to be funny and stick to the topics at hand." Does that get on your nerves? I watch your stuff because you are funny- not because I really care about seeing easy targets have their logic debunked.

yes that's quite frustrating.
some people don't watch my stuff because they want entertainment and that's cool, but I hate being told what to do
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Out of all the religions out there, which one would you say is the most tolerant and least likely to shove their belief down your throat forcefully?

The Jewish religion.
in fact most Jews don't want you to convert.

Is anti-matter the solution for anti-gravity and will it destroy the Earth?

anti matter is super dangerous. a single atom of it is enough to level an apartment building.
if it comes in contact with matter it explodes.

I met my new religion teacher today, he claims that creation in the bible does not contradict evolution, as it is only a lyrical text that was used to explain farmers the origin of our world and thus we have to adjust the way we see this text accordingly.Why is such a thing allowed in schools?

in religion class...?
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope


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