
Armoured Skeptic

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I must ask, was it true one of your original names was Armored Super Skeptic? Because I don't believe that.

No... that was a joke

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What are your thoughts on veganism? Health-wise and ethical views specifically. Reference video(Earthlings)

Morally, veganism is great. Vegans tend to be assholes about how moral they are... but it is morally commendable.
Health-wise, I'm not so convinced... Vegetarians tend to have anemic babies and sometimes it sees clear from people's speech that their brains eat themselves.
We would not have evolved to grow such large brains without cooked meat. That's a fact. Our brains require more calories than any other organ, that's a fact.
Vegans don't tend to get enough calories.
Bottom line, I don't know.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

I've never understood something about religion, based on the no true scotsman fallacy, how come religious leaders aren't eventually hated by their followers for toting subjective religious beliefs? God is different for everybody, and it's started wars, but it doesn't cause much internal conflict?

There is a lot of internal conflict in religions... There are 3 major religions, but thousands of denominations!

I have put some thought into possibly moving from US to Canada. I live in Boston and I wanted your opinion on the matter, any ups or downs you think would come with moving up there?

It's generally better up here, but without citizenship you don't get the free Healthcare.
I love it up here!

How much of the story in your first video is true (or how much can you say is true) and can you tell us if it's you or not?

It is 99% me, the rest is filler to pad it out... but that 1% is stuff that happened to someone else who was going through a similar journey as me at the same time as me.

Why do athiests depend on God in order to exist?

They don't... atheists don't exist because they don't believe in god, atheists exist because they don't agree with theists.
Atheists require theists to exist.

Buddha said "Believe nothing, no matter who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense". Knowing that, does Buddhism seem more reasonable than other "religions"?

It generally less offensive, but having said that, that particular quote offends the hell out of me.

Do you make videos with either the purpose of entertainment, or the purpose of providing a logical explanation to those that have their doubts? or a mix of both? 2. Do you believe in anything outside of the definitive facts, or the possibility there of? Ghosts, lingering regrets, etc?

I am open to the existence of spirits and whatever, but if you can't prove something is at-least likely I won't bother with it.

What are your thoughts on MSR's LFTR's and Thorium ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9M__yYbsZ4

I want to see the science on using thorium as a fuel, but I've seen some promising numbers.
I love nuclear power, but it's needed an upgrade since the 70s! I am not yet convinced thorium is that upgrade... but if it can do what that video says... he'll, even if it can do HALF what that video says, we should at least be funding research!

Based on one of your earliest videos you said that you don't watch lesbian porn but for other reasons. Does that mean that you're gay?

No, I said I have a problem with it... but a different KIND of problem...
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

If Satan wants us to come to hell, wouldn't he treat us like we are amazing and not pieces of trash? ~12 y/o athiest

If there is a Satan he would be the coolest mother#$&@£? on the planet.

I found the dinosaur doubter gal on a video called Creationists Talking Creationism Is Fascinating on YouTube, on the Secular Talk channel. Go to 4:18 on the video. It's her, the voice is the same, but you can tell this was before she had a kid. Can you show this to Aron Ra too?

The dinosaur denier is an interesting novelty but not worth our time to give attention to someone who has her head THAT far up her ass.

What are your thoughts on Deism?

Diests don't bother me any. It's similar to agnosticism.
Einstein was a diest. Mostly because his mind demanded the universe conform with math... but you get the idea.

How do you say you are not religious without offending a religious person?

Next to impossible to avoid offending someone whoms identity is tied up in a fairy-tale.
Even suggesting that there are people who challenge the idea of a God can destroy their paradigm.
Liked by: Shinigami

Anyone can fabricate bones, bone structures and so today and anyone can fill the gap on supposed Lucy's skeleton with a chicken leg. So how are the suppossed dinosaur bones you see at the museum are "evidence" and what is "evidence" in the end if you can just create something that anyone can?

None of what you said makes sense...
Liked by: Claret Rimli


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