
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Your last video was funnier than usual, did you take extra time writing the jokes? Looking forward to part 2. Cheers.

No, I only used half of my ass

Hey Skeptalot. My parents think that Agnosticism is just a stepping-stone to Atheism or Religion. Thoughts?

No, it's an open-minded position. Saying it necessarily leads to something else is a non-sequitur.

Wasn't the big crunch discarded when they found out the universe was expanding exponentially?

In the main-stream theory, yes, but there are still think-tanks working on the possibility that the universe crunches in on itself in a cycle and evolves each time.

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Why did you change the intro music and then change it back again?

Because I wanted to
Because lots of people cried

please...please...PLEASE tell me you will keep doing Josh Freddurstein videos...I nearly fell out of my chair from laughter by the time you got to the elected dictators part of video 1

AlexRompen’s Profile PhotoAlex Rompen
I'm powering through part 2 right now...
Liked by: Claret Rimli Rebecca

Is skepticism a worldview like atheism?

I guess... I prefer to be called a skeptic over being called an atheist because I feel it better describes my attitude towards life, but it's not usually used as an identity like atheist is.
Liked by: Emilia

Can you explain to me what the hell is pre-flood conditions. I keep hearing it and want to know what these so called conditions are. Apparently we were as big as dinosaurs and apparently we were around the same time as dinosaurs. Might as well throw out all my science and history books.

it's made up
young earth creationists invented it to explain how dinosaurs co-exist ed with humans and explain why there are millions of years if rock layers

What are your thoughts on the radical feminist theory that no woman is hetrosexual, they are just groomed into believing they are by the male dominated society we live in, & those who believe they are happy with men are actually suffering from a form of Stockholm syndrome due to their oppression??

it sounds like a lesbian who is incapable if understanding heterosexual love is trying to reason how a woman could love a man.
that doesn't explain women who love doing kinky stuff.

How long does it take you to come up with the comebacks you make in your videos?

how long?
I record my natural reactions. immediately.
that's why I usually get some facts wrong
Liked by: Claret Rimli Emilia

In a scale of 0 to 100 what do you think are the chances that the current Pope will get murdered by Christian extremists?

he's much more likely to get murdered by the Jesuit order
Liked by: Emilia

I didn't really like Citizen Kane, now explain why I should have

It's one of the best movies ever... it's not one of the most POPULAR movies ever.


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