
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Like the look of your studio space mate :D One question though-when you finish your studio are you still going to do your Skeptic/Critic videos in the same style they are now? Cause that really works :) . Wouldn't want to click one of those vids and see you sitting at your desk like everyone else :P

JamesClegg’s Profile PhotoJames Clegg
The studio is for a new type of video to accompany my Skeptic Critic videos.
don't worry your pretty little head :p
Liked by: James Clegg

Just wanted to say, "hate speech" isn't a thing in the states

Oh, well then...
I am going to go more into it in my next vid about Josh.

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What is the best evolutionary explanation for evil you know of?

Evil does not exist. It's an abstract concept explained and described through poetics.
Bad things happen and there are bad people, no evil.

Do you get a lot of insults from creationists or have they been good christians so far? O v O

God Rules is the only one who has ever insulted me.
To be fair, I insulted him first.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

I was raised christian. I am 24, and my entire life (even as a child) I have been fighting with myself on what I believe. Can you recommend any books or films for me to look at?

Read Richard Dawkins book, The God Delusion.

what is your opinion on Creationism in Public Schools. do you think it should be alternative to the theory of evolution?

As curriculum? He'll no!
Liked by: Claret Rimli

I've seen you post on Sargon's vids every once in a while. Doesn't Sargon's tendency to report things out of context, go on uninformed rants or dig up stuff from several years before and present it as a recent event bother you?

If you lock yourself down to only listening to people with whom you agree, people who aren't offensive, people who tell you what you want to hear and people that argue only for your side, you will miss out on a large array of opinions, perspectives and nugets of genius that everyone else may have.
I am not totally on-board with Sargon, but he is a smart man with some interesting perspective.
I like to subscribe and follow people who keep me informed. Sargon keeps me informed on the mentality and perspective of people who don't agree with modern social justice.
Can you honestly say you're informed if you only listen to people with whom you agree?

1. I can't walk past a bottle of J.P. Wisers in the store without thinking of you and Logicked. 2. If you did a skeptic video outside the realm of religion, what topic would you tackle? e.g. Alternative medicine, Astrology, Psychics, etc.

Probably something like alt-medicine.

Will you ever do another Chico tract with TheBibleReloaded again?

They're always asking when we can cola again.

What are your thoughts on feminism?

It is just a label. It doesn't really mean anything.
It's a piece of clothing people use to identify themselves and others.
You mean what do I think of feminists? They are a mixed bag. Some good, some bad. They are people and people are capable of some really abhorrent things and ignoring facts, but they are also capable of having good intentions too.
All organized groups eventually get group-think and get corralled by sociopathic leaders who only care about their status and control. If this hasn't already happened in feminist circles it soon will.

So a big new video gaining attention is this Kristen Auclair lady who leads "Christians against Dinosaurs" She basically claims dinosaurs are a myth made up from paleontologists. Are you planning to cover a video of hers?

There is basically no point. What do you say to someone who denies the evidence even exists?


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