
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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It sounds bland because it's just like a basic summary of what you did with your friends this weekend but then you actually have a really great life because you do so much in between . Lmao.

Yeah we did other stuff we didn't like yeah

So on Saturday y'all ate pizza then slept ? And then chilled until Sunday to have dinner? WHat a nice life you got there.

Lol you make it sound so bland

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I'm so jealous that you have such a nice group of friends that are so caring and loving and Its so nice they helped you celebrate your birthday !


Last year, American Indian didn't get MLK off. But this year we got it ! It's a holiday, why doesn't your school let you have it off ? And it's also your birthday, it would have been great if you got today off to celebrate ! !

I wasn't gonna come lol

American Indian is similar to your school in Oakland and near each other too but we get today off, girl 😂

if you go to american indian how do you know me LOL uH. wtf AI gets MLK off now? you guys are so diff now though. you guys used to be the same as us & ya.

After dinner your squad stayed until 2 ? What nice Friends u have

THANKS I KNOW and no they slept over on saturday. grubbed at 2 ish. they stayed until dinner Sunday and left at night.

Wtf why do late ???? Is it even Dinner If it's 2 AM? I sleep at 2 am on some nights lmao

i was jk. we ordered pizza at about 2 am though ha

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE ! you share the same birthday as the man, Martin Luther king, do you believe children of color and whites and all races can play together , just like what MLK believes??

Thank you! Yeah I think that MLK was really inspirational and even though his dream hasn't quite come true I know that there's a lot that's been improved since then lol

Did you treat everyone or did everyone treat the bday girl

I paid but they offered & its nbd cos we're close af


Language: English