
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Really.......please allison. Your nose is not big. If you really think it big, please post a picture. Tell her grace everyone has imperfections but a big nose is a big nose and I dunt think hers is big. Do you think it's big ?

She was just kidding

Do you think you can live in college alone next year without your parents support ?

I'll always have their support cos they're paying for some tuition and I'll have some of my own + their money so

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No I'm not in college yet, but my family thinks it's better if I go to a different school thats better and maybe that'll help me prepare for college next year but i didnt know it'll turn out like this I just miss them alot

So they just shipped you off and you're living alone now ... And you're a senior. Lol where ru

I don't want to consider this my home. I'm just renting an apartment alone now away from my family. Home is the bay where my family are still at right now.

O you're in college ?

What more can pro's do ? Pleas explain I as thinking of getting an apple. But idk air or pro. Air just seems lighter but I don't know what's inside that's different

You can do more with pro. Air is more convenient to carry and lighter. Since the MacBook is out- which I don't like I think it's dumb idk- , the air is cheaper. It's like 900? Idk. So just get the Mac air

MacBook airs are good for college since they weight so less

That's not the point lmao pro's do more for college and presentations + they have a disk drive which I would like sometimes

You said conjunctions instead of contractions like I'm don't wont

Yeah I meant contractions oh sorry I was running out the door


Language: English