
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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How many times have you dyed your hair

Kool aid once
Bleach once
Light brown once
And I swim so idk how many you would count that

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Do you think you're going to miss your family and parents and home alot when you go off to college next year

Yeah but excited

What's happening this week

Acceptances, orchestra practices, midterms, rally, spring event, & some personal stuff

Then how did you get invited to the wedding ? How do you know the people getting married?

fam friend / church

Would you go to shoulder length hair or do you just like long hair all the time

i was trying on my rally outfit last night and my hair is actually touching top of my butt didn't know it was that long

What did you wear to the wedding ? Ootd?

I DIDNT EVEN GET A PIC W ANHONE CAUSE IT WAS RAINING but here's me Kylie and ellerbe

Is the Asian wedding going to be banquet style at an Asian restaurant at night after they take all their wedding pictures and everything .

We're eating at hs lordships next to skates on the bay. It's American

Holy shit lucky I want to go to a wedding. What kind of wedding is it ? Is it going to be an Asian wedding or a white wedding ? Dod you do the planning

Asian and no.

Like college acceptances are just hella unpredictable now. I have no idea how schools choose people, but not getting in to one university does not mean you can't get into another one. It just depend on many cases and scenerios. Another college might think you can succeed there and accept you.

Ok thanks for paragraph lecture

Why don't you like ucd. They have cows and nice mix of animals and people. Why don't you like ucsc. They have nature and you can go hiking.

Yeah I can go to the Oakland zoo and live at home for that.

What do you have against ucd and ucsc ?

I don't like they're campuses. UCD is too secluded ish for me and UCSC is not something I would be thrilled to visit or attend.


Language: English