
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Are youn gonna get a haircut before Chinese new year? Like new style new year new you


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Yeah that's so sad. Then what do you do about it? Did you think you down study enough? Or studied the wrong things? Or the study method you used didn't work and nothing stayed in your head? Or were you too nervous during the exam that you forgot what you studied.

its prob bc your teacher was a dick and decided to put material he didn't tell you to study for on the exam

Yeah lemon is so sour. But what does lemon with water help with ? Lol I know alot of people who drink that ,

idk more refreshing?

How do you memorize stuff ? Like read and say it over and over again ??

I have a decent memory so I just look over notes

Like the pearls itself is bad or does she think the milk tea ?

Tapioca gives kidney stones and the milk tea is bad

Why does so many people play league to be honest

I'm jk I don't play league it is too complicated and waste of time

Does your mom think boba is bad for you ? Or for she just let you drink it all the time ?

She thinks it's bad bc sweet or artificial but she doesn't get mad

Are you used to the public transportation system around the bay area here

If I need to use it i know how to yes

What you up to on this beautiful Sunday after noon? The weather's nice and the grounds are dry, it's time to go out and enjoy it.

I know I love it & im at church rn. Getting boba later

Has this ever happened to you..mm? You study so hard for an exam that you have no idea what it's going to be on then you fail it and then it just makes you sad because you actually studied hard for it ?

All the time

Good night Grace I'm going To sleep now. And hopefully you and the other Anons will go to sleep too and Not be on Ask.fm for the whole night. You all need some sleep;it's past midnight yall. Sweet dreams everyone on Ask.fm. !

LOL oh good night everyone on ask.fm !!!!


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