
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Doo you have plans for summer yet?

Working lol I'm gonna be teaching kids piano @ Hayward & I signed up to be a counselor teacher person for this Christian church in SF. Also going to tour the bay / hit up places w mains. EDC maybe

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Oh that's her fault then. If she purposely made them sharp like that.

I guess she has the right to do what she wants cause it's her face. But that's just how she gets caught

So you try to understand everything in every class and get mad when you don't understand something ? You have just let it go and do something else or study something else

No lmfao I said I google at home when I go my homework& okay thanks for the advice smart one

Some races just be be natural weird eyebrows. Lmao.

No she does her brows but they're like sharp af boomerangs

When you don't understand something in a class , do you just let it go or do you try to read your notes and read the textbook to find out and understand everything ?

I try then I google and then if I still don't get it I get mad

So now does she still look more jacked up since she doesn't do her brows lmao 😂😂😂 what race is she


Does she still do it through ? By changing her brows routine to make it now natural ?

She will always look jacked up yeah I / a lot of ppl don't like her LOL

Oh sht. Anyone you know for detention from that yet ?

Yeah this nasty named Jua.... Has weird brows and she over do's everything so obvi she got caught
Liked by: Brenda

So most girls at your school still wear a minimum ? What happens if you get caught ???

Makeup wipe and detention

So your allowed to wear everything except do eyeshadow and liner ? Can your school not be so strict though ? Or is it good that it's strict vecause people can learn in a nice environment

You're actually not allowed to wear anything lol
Liked by: Brenda

Do people at your school actually follow the rules like girls ???because alot of high school girls enjoy makeup products.

What do you mean like girls lol & a lot have makeup on. Just not eyeliner or eyeshadow and that stuff
Liked by: Brenda

I got 1 of mine removed when it wasn't out and that shit hurt so bad. But my other oneswere out.

Ew dude I'm so sry


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