
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Soz, i want to talk to you but im not sure if u talkin to someone or interested in someone else

I'm not looking sorry :-(

Would you rather be a 200ft tall giant for a day or be 5 inches tall for a day? What would you do with that day?

5 inches and play pranks on people 😂

Sadly people dont realize what they had until its too late, stop taking your friends and teachers for granted.

Kay step back about 20 feet there. You're making me sound like I don't gaf about my friends or family.
Liked by: Diane Liang

What happens if you lose them?

Idk how to explain it. I'm not gonna lose them because I'm not repetitively " using them "
It's like, I take for granted my element teachers sometimes because they're always there to talk & to listen to you. So sometimes I forget to ask how they are too. Or how I realize that I took for granted the time I had w my friends at ahs because now I miss it.
Idk lol
Liked by: Diane Liang


Language: English