
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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How are you doing ?

LOL excited for dim sum today but it's so gloomy outside and Allison is going crazy

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Do most people get bury underground when they die or where do their body go ?

you can choose to bury or cremate idk

How does hee know if we'll go to heaven or not? You can use a Christian perspective that's what I'm adopting

he determines if you're worthy to go to heaven after the life you've lived on earth

Did you get blocked by Laura too , just like how Allison did

she didn't block me on anything, deleted i think on snapchat yeah.
idk who you are and i don't want to sound rude but it's not your business to ask.

Whennyou hung out with squad, Did it consist of 5 people now

nah i don't think it's considered that anymore

So you would never live with mixed genders in college ? Why?

I feel like I could bond better living with girls and there would be less issues concerning privacy

You're Christian though don't you learn about heaven ? It's great and I'm trying to become a Christian by going to church and I want to learn more about heaven and those type of things in the Christian religion .

Oh aw yeah well for us God gives us salvation and that means we have life eternally in heaven w him & it's all happiness but yeah I didn't want to answer these questions with a Christian perspective. On judgement day, which is where we stand before him after we die he determines if we can enter heaven ya
Liked by: Brenda

No when you pass , I don't know how you can talk to me anymore

Lol yeah I was being sarcastic bc how can I know

Is heaven really a better place for peopl after death?

I'm sorry I don't have the answers to these heaven questions

How's college admissions a joke

university of california admitted tens of thousands of students who were less qualified than in state applicants. they're the most random thing ever, and i know a girl who has a 4.0 and high everything with hecka extracurricular who didn't get into anywhere probably because she's white + high income. i mean idk why but they consider demographics. I know another girl who got into UCLA UCSD and UCD but wait listed to UCSC so like
Liked by: Brenda

Which is better? I can only order one the next time I go. I don't want to order two lmao

Get vermicelli and egg rolls

Isn't it hard to take care of long hair? Does the hair get stuck in your butt crack when you wash your hair in the shower ?



Language: English