
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Doesr your ears ever feel like the inside is so itchy and like there's earwax inside ? Gah it's so itchy right now

..... Clean them

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Why would you get annoyed by hs friends ? What if I don't know them too well in hs?

Just meet new friends or if you're sure you won't get annoyed then go ahead

What do you usually get at sidestreet? Do you think their servings are Kind of small for the cost ? Or is it worth the money to you? I don't know I don't always try Viet food and haven't been to many. But another restaurant I went to had more choices and more.

I like their egg rolls but I usually get vermicelli or pho w tendon

What if you don't know them fairly well ?Is that bad too? Is it better to always live with people you know well?

I'm not going to take chances and live with guys i don't know. And don't dorm w your high school friends cause usually you will end up getting annoyed at their every habit

I'm going to send you a gift by the way, what's your address ?

Wow smooth was about to type my addy in

A mac air is perfectly fine for college, you know ?

Yeah but id like to be able to play cd's and stuff on it

That's great that you had dinner with all of your squad members now you guys can catch up ! How was dinner ? Where did you eat at ?

Sidestreet pho & dinner was good ty 💖

Would you buy the new Apple macbooks ?

No I have an air and that's ok for college for now but if I could I'd get a pro for the future or maybe college. I'll see

Would your parents ever allow you to live with guys in college ?

That's my choice but my choice would probably not be to live w them unless I rly know them or yeah etc
Liked by: Brenda

It's fun to swim with people but if its like running or stretching or the basic stuff, itd nice to do it alone , am I right?

I don't run

Even if i have homework i don't start the homework until night after dinner I procrastinate alot in my school work now. So I could go workout with them. But sometimes do you prefer to work out alone or by yourself?

Same lol and I like to work out myself. I only work out w ppl if it's weights or swimming. Mainly swim tho bc water 💖

How do you know which GE's satisfy requirements ?

Yeah. But not on the top of my head sorry b google it !


Language: English