
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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blow things up at your place people don't mind as much there. clay things. music stuff- half and half.

lol but i live in ____ & people would probably think there was a shooting southshore so it's okay :D but yeah it's so dead quiet here it's scary okay
maybe. i didn't mean literally blow things up

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mom says that i can't do it at mine cause she doesn't want me to rack up a huge bill, but we can play with the microwave oven.

lmao oh wow. electricity isn't that expensive .-.
and we cannot be microwaving brownies !
dude we can blow things up and make clay things at your house and bake at mine LOL

do i have flour at home?

dude i was just wondering actually
what if you're making brownies from scratch like me too

Can we have lunch with Seng? Im kinda lonely...all the time.. please do this for me. He's so hot. His abs omfg omfg. Lets have lunch with him, k?

im telling seng who wrote this
anyway i do like his abs
everyone knows youre lonely


yeah i know lol kevin told me heh.
we can have experiments at your house or mine after you get an oven bitch

My pho is cold, my microwave is broken; what do i do?

but it'soaky. i have the perfect solution.
pour the pho in a bowl
and sit on it !
after your body heat transfers into the soup after about 3 hours.

can i have brownies? Be sure to add a mint layer. I like my brownies breezy.

shut up if you're kevin
and yeah i like mint brownies too

Idk why. you cray. ok bye forevz. ok naw. bye fb time botch.give me brownies. i no haz oven yet

i assume the oven comes installed..


go away
dude i'm about to go make brownies from scratch LOL
wait. when are you moving again
why am i asking you this?
we have fb LOL.

actually you do. i see it.

i just touched my head
no dude it's only cause like my bangs are split and my hair line and yeah idk how to explain.
go away.

PSH SURE, more like minus 300 buahahahah ok. AND WHO'S THIS THIRD PERSON?!

LOL i don't have a bald spot like you
and idk lmao

How long did it last?

it's not what you think it was
i guess. it was i forgot 2-3 weeks
and then that one day lol


Language: English