
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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did you have braces for four years already

Yeah I was supposed to get them off 2.5 yrs but my jaw is sensitive so they slowed things down

Then why did your parents want you to have braces if you couldn't tell unless you do a mold?

So my teeth would be completely straight & apparently it gets worse w age idfk

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I love eating fruits. They're so tasty and healthy. I could live off durian everyday.

Omg who is this I love durian

did you not think your teeth were bad but then your parents thought they were?

I had a little overbite & my teeth weren't 100% straight but you couldn't tell unless you do a mold

yeah planning to buy you fruits, do you like eating fruits more or fruit smoothie??

I think you should get off your fruit high and go to sleep

really? most times its the other way around. parents wouldn't want their children to have braces if theyre teeth aren't really bad because some require getting teeth pulled and surgery and all that pain. and I could fuk up some people's teeth more after. why didn't you want them? minor problems?

Lol mine were opposite if I were to get teeth pulled I would have said no. And yeah. My teeth weren't bad lolol

is the water picker like electric?? I forgot you still have braces so you cant really floss all the way down.

Yeah it's electric & I can but It takes so long and it's hard

how many pages for your essays? are your five paragraphs long?

You can't put a page number on it & as long as you need it to be to get the prompt / analyzation and whatever else you need in there

im a lady too and like out of no where had a thought about the pain of giving birth. sounds scary but then once its out, youll love it lol I love children but the thought of giving birth scares me. like you don't know whats gonna happen.

Idky you're trying to comfort me of giving birth

are you afraid of giving birth when you thought about it?

I'm not even close to that yet so I'm more worrying about current situations

I don't see any drama on your ask.fm right now or any on alli's or diane's.............Tell me about it :D

Yeah it's been a while and d doesn't use hers anymore

Who are some of your fav. Ask.fm accounts?

I don't have any lol my friends I guess. Tb to me Allison & dianes drama af asks


Language: English