
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Do you think it's worth living?

If you don't your only option is to end it right so you don't rly have a choice but to make it count

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Any of your friends masterbate ? I feel like masturbating whennim stressed now and I think its gonna turn into a bad habit. So I don't want to start.

Lol oh uhm that's too personal and I really didn't need to know that.
Liked by: Brenda

Last night when I was laying in bed my ears got so itchy I didn't know what to do. Have you ever got itchy ears before ?

Scratch them LOL

One time I took like 6 hours to do an essay and then the teacher commented saying it was really good but then this time it took me 2 hours because I keep procrastinating til the last minute and I had to get it done because I had no motivation to continue it. So I might not be too good but whatever.

How good an essay is doesn't matter how long you take on it

But will you miss your parents and your home and your parents care ? You got their suppoort But You dont Always got them by your side

Yeah ofc but I excited to do me for a little bit

You're great ! I used lots of quotes on my essay last night and I completed it in two hours. Is that considered a long time for an essay ?

It better be a rly good one LOL Dw if I'm distracted I'll take a good 4

I will move back during the summer before I go to college but that seems like a long time away. They didn't just ship me off LOL they are helping me pay for some things and I needed to learn independence anyways. I wanted time on my own but I didn't know I'll miss home this badly.

But where ru

You don't like saying good byes ? Then do you not say bye on the phone and not say bye when you leave the house ?

Lol I do


Language: English