
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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I thought 4 inches of hair was not much, until that picture..........because it looks alot shorter than what you had before..

MhM SEE but it's ok.

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What's on the other floors then ? When there's only 2 stops .....why arent people allowed on the other ones?

There's observatory decks on the 86&102 jfc

102 was the only floor i got to go to. They didnt allow us on the other floors. I really wanted to see what was on the other floors. What was on 86 floor the one you went to?

There's just two stops lol 86 and 102. There's also an observatory deck just lower.

So all your your did was take the elevator to floor 86????

Idky that's a big deal it was a rly nice view and I walked around inside ....

When did you go up the empire state building ? They built a new one after 9/11. When did you go on your trip?

I'm not that old

"When I say, "I'll pray for you ", it isn't because I'm trying to force my religion in you. It's because I believe in the power of prayer , and i love you. "


2 more ge and 5 more major classes ? Then why do you even need to transfer ? It's like you're done with college already !

What lol when you transfer you have to transfer w that colleges major pre req's or requirements too, including your GE

What the fuck how do you have 5 clases for a major too how does that work ? So you get a brachelor's degree after 5 clases ?

Lol it's for transfer and jk I have 7 I think I have two more classes for GE.

What's on the empire state building ?did you go inside the building or outside . I want to see jt

I went up to 86, didn't go up to 102. It was a while ago they're in our other camera so idk where that is haha sry

What did you do in new York when you went

I went to Empire State, that ice skating rink I forgot the name LOL, Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard, Broadway, Times Square. That's all I remember

How short would you cut your hair ?Or would you always have long hair

I asked for a trim recently, 2 in and he cut 2 in and then trimmed it ... SO THATS 4 IN GONE I MISS MY HAIR

And you possibly could transfer in one year too since you took community college

I literally only have 5 classes left


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