
- grace

Ask @graaaiicee

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Do you know what the sock method is for curling hair ? That's pretty cool though have you tried it before?

Ya and no

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Have you ever been so sad that you just give up on everything and not want to do anything at all

Yeah but head up cause everyday is a different day lol

Guess who me is. So youre still craving boba but had some today already?

I didn't have boba lol uh idk who this is ...

Nope but I've been on the bridge to bay farm it isn't empty it's pretty busy

He wasnt going 80+ on the bridge LmaAO

You're craving boba now? Let's go on a boba run whreeever Is still open Lmao. Did you get boba today? In sf?

Don't make plans when IDK U who is this &
Nope I had orientation and enough food


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